(Officially) Meeting April: Mikey

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You and Mikey are in your favourite skate park practicing some new dance moves you had been practicing in between training and school and what not. You started to teach Mikey the new routine who of course picked it up no bother because he had been watching you the whole time whilst you were practicing despite skating around the park on his board.

You and Mikey started to practice the new routine after you had both got the moves down, laughing and having fun. After you both nailed it you decided to go for a walk on the rooftops to relax and clear your mind.

Hand in hand you both started to walk about, but instead of talking you both just looked up to the stars and the moon, it was so......romantic. That is until you both knock into something bringing you both to the ground, you landing on top of Mikey's chest. After helping him up you and Mikey look to see what you walked into or should I say who.

''April?! Oh man sorry dudette we never saw you there, what are you doing up here'' Mikey said helping the girl with red hair and blue eyes to her feet as he apologised, she was about to say something when she saw you stopping dead and looking at you. Well it looked more like she was glaring at you to be fair.

''Mikey who is this? I thought you weren't to be seen?'' she said cautiously as you smile and wave your hand to her, Mikey looked confused until he saw that she was talking about you. He smiles and walks over to you pulling you close to him, you both smile at April who just stood there confused at what was happening whilst still glaring at you.

''Its okay April, this is (y/n), girlfriend. (Y/n) this is April she has know about us for a little bit longer than you and the other girls'' he said looking between you both cheerily the you stick out your hand towards April still smiling she just looks at it then pushed past you,

''your the schools idiot, aren't you? I thought I recognised you wish I hadn't but whatever i'm going to go and find Casey'' she says coldly, you turn around and just look at her blinking in surprise. Mikey pulled you closer staring at his friend in shock.

''April don't call (y/n) an idiot she's nothing of the sort she's an awesome, fun loving, beautiful, kind hearted girl. You don't have to be so mean to her its not like you.'' he says with a hint of hurt in his baby blue eyes. Holding you even closer and tighter than before if that was even possible.

''April looks coldly at you before speaking,

''why Mikey, I would be lying if I never called her an idiot because its the truth and I don't lie you know that'' she says walking off to see Casey. You both stand there for a moment, you still wrapped up in Mikey's arms you look up and see a few tears fall from his baby blue eyes. You wipe away his tears and smile at him as he looks down to you.

''Its okay Mikey I know I'm not the smartest in the school but that's fine honestly okay that's why I have great friends like (D/G), (L/G), (R/G), Leo, Raph and Donnie, and of course I have and amazing boyfriend who I know I can always count on for anything. No matter what it is'' you say as you wrap your arms around his neck smiling causing him to smile back at you.

He cups your cheek in one of his hands and wraps the other around your waist brining you into a gentle kiss, which was soon deepened. You both stayed like that before reluctantly pulling away and deciding to head back to the lair for the night and play some vide games.

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