First Kiss: Mikey

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''Wooooo! Hey Mikey check out this one!'' You shout as you ace a difficult trick you have been practicing for the past few days. You and Mikey had finished your training together with master Splinter as you were the first ones out of everyone to train. So master Splinter had allowed you both to go topside for a few hours before the guys went out for patrol.

''Awesome dudette, hey look at this one!'' Mikey shouts back, you were back at your favorite skate park and have been for the entire day because, hey no one ever goes there so why not.

''Awesome Mikster, hey can you teach me that one?'' You ask him as you skate up to him,

''sure, come here I'll teach you'' after that he teaches you the way to position yourself and the board then you start to practice.

5 minuets later

''Hey Mikey I think I got it, come see'' you shout. Mikey skates over to you as you perform the trick, but as you try to land you land the wrong way on your board and fall over, landing on top of Mikey. You open your eyes and look down to see Mikey,

''OMG I am so sorry Mikey...... I.........I'' but before you can continue you feel Mikey's arm tighten around your waist. He places his other hand on your cheek and pulls you closer to him. You look at him surprised as he gently presses his lips against yours, you close your eyes and feel yourself relax into him as you kiss him back, you never thought Mikey would be the kissing type but actually he is really good, gentle but skilled.

When you pull apart you look into his baby blue eyes to see him blushing,

'' kissed back? I love you cupcake'' he stutters he looks so cute the way he is being so shy but at the same time he seemed really mature when he kissed you.

''Of course I did, and I love you too marshmallow'' You whisper as you smile at him and lean in to kiss him again which he returns.

''GET A ROOM, YA LOUZY KIDS!'' you hear an older man shout as he walks by, you pull away smiling and help Mikey up, and on the way back to the lair well, lets say two small kisses was not enough kisses to satisfy Mikey that night he would keep finding excuses to kiss you, you don't complain though why would you after all he is your amazingly adorable boyfriend.

Hey guys i'm back! (oh god i'm back, i'm not dead?! ikr) na jk, sorry about this chapter being so short and so uncreative my brain wasn't feeling too inspired today but I wanted to get this chapter done because it was the only one of the first kiss ones I hadn't finished. I really struggled to make this one creative and I am soo sorry about that I promise I will make the next ones as good as my little brain can do and that will hopefully be amazing. Anyhow leave a comment to tell me what you think or your impute of future chapters and maybe vote on some older chapters if you liked them. Later ma Chika's! -E xxxx

TMNT (2012) Boyfriend Scenario'sTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang