When You Call Him: Donnie

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For the past 2 hours you have been working on trying to create the perfect chemical reaction to combustion as part of your preparation for your final exam in your advanced higher chemistry class.

You remember looking at and reading every book on chemical reactions but for some reason combustion was the only one you could never remember so of course that's the one you decided to do and you had left all your books at school because you wanted to do it without looking up.

All of the stress was starting to get to you, you can't take it anymore and decide to ask help from the only one who you knew was as smart as you were and who you knew would gladly help you out. Donnie.

That was it. You grab your phone from off your bed and take it back to your desk with you, you pull up Donnie's number and press the call button. It was picked up right away.

''Hello? Donnie here''   (this little line made you smile)

''hey D!''

''(y/n)! Hey I was wondering when I'd hear from you. You alright?''

''yeah I'm fine but I really need your help with something I've been working on it for like 2 hours straight and I just can't seem to remember it, its really starting to get to me. could you help me out?''

''2 hours?! yeah I'll be right there, why didn't you call me sooner you sound super stressed out''

''I didn't want to annoy you, I know you can be very busy''

''I can always make time for you (y/n), you just have to call and I'll be right there''      (this made you blush slightly)

'' dually noted, and thanks Don it means a lot to know I have someone I can talk to''

''no problem but what about your parents?''

''their always arguing, and when they start its like I'm not even there but I'm used to it by now so I just keep to myself, and work on my expeiments and study''

''oh (y/n), i'm sorry I didn't know.......''

''its cool Don honestly''

''okay well i'm leaving the lair now so I'll be at yours soon''

''cool well see you soon then Donnie, bye''


When Donnie got to your apartment he took a look at your work and chucked to himself a little,

''What is it? Did I make a super big mistake?'' you asked he shook his head and re-writ your formula,

''see for combustion the formula is AB+O2--->AO+BO, the formula AB+CD--->AD+BC is for double displacement'' when you hear Donnie say  this you literally face palm and try out the new formula with your chemicals and low and behold Donnie was right. You stand up and give Donnie a big hug which he returns,

''Thanks D I knew I could count on you, so now that's done you wanna watch some mythbusters?'' after hearing this Donnie gives you a huge smile,

''You know it!'' for the rest of the day you both had a mythbusters marathon.

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