When You Call Him: Leo

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Your parents asked you to walk to the store to buy some things for dinner, You agree to walk up, because you had nothing better to do anyway. At the store you pick up all the things that you were asked to buy and leave the store.

You decide to run along the rooftops on the way home, its a nice view of the city you love and it reminded you of Leo, so that was another plus. It felt good to let loose and do something different every once in a while.

As you were almost home you look over and see a drive in movie marathon, the movie was almost done but the announcer, announced that the next movie would be a space hero special, hearing this you rushed home dropping of the groceries and telling your parents you would be out with a friend for a while.

You grab your phone and run to a good spot to view the movie and call Leo.


''Hey Leo its (y/n)''

''Hey (y/n), what's up!''

''Can you come and meet me I have something I wanna show you and I know your gonna love it!''

''Sure I was getting pretty bored anyway I'll be there in 5''

''cool see you in 5 then Leo''



After waiting for a few minuets Leo shows up and sits down beside you, he looked at you excited to see what you wanted to show him.

''Hey (y/n)! So what did you want to show me?'' he says to you, you look at him with a big smile of your face and point in front of you as all the lights go out and the movie starts. You both watch the movie together all pumped up then Leo walks you home, as you both walk you talk excitedly about the best movie ever!

Hey ma chika's sorry its a bit short but the ones where you call him will be, however I promise to you the ones after the next three turtles ones will be a two in one so they will be a bit longer and just a heads up, they should be super cute.                   peace out ma chika's :)     -E

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