He Asks You Out: Leo

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Its 7am and your in your room and it was still dark out, your parents had both stormed out at like 5am, probably cheating on each other again, this is what happened at least 4 times a week with your parents, they pretended to love each other when they are around you but you know better than to believe that crap. You decide since they aren't in you would practice some new ballet stances and leaps.

You manage to perfect your stag leap into pirouette when you hear your phone start to ring, you go over to see who would be calling you, your heart jumped for joy when you saw Leo's name pop up on the screen.

You pick up your phone and swipe the 'answer' button:

''hey Leo what's up?''

''h..hey (y..y/n) umm are you free today for a while I know its still dark out and all but well.......I, I really want to umm show you something''

'He sounds really nervous for some reason' you think to yourself as you start to blush just hearing his voice.

''Yeah i'm free, my parents both left and due to the history of them leaving without telling me they are probably not going to be back until like really late tomorrow night most likely''

''Really?! Wow that's really irresponsible but.... well could you meet me on the roof of your apartment then?''

''yeah! let me just grab my shoes and a jumper and I'll be right up''

''okay! see you in a few then!''


You grab your new blue hoodie and your white trainers, after you put them on you make sure your apartment is firmly locked before going up to meet Leo.

You get to the roof but you don't see Leo anywhere, you think he may just be on his way so you decide to wait for him. After about a minuet you feel someone jump down behind you and blindfold you then you feel their hands on your shoulders guiding you, you know its Leo and smile,

''Quite the entrance Leo'' you say teasingly and you feel him tense up a little form whatever nerves he was still feeling.

''Yeah...sorry about that (y/n), did I scare you?'' you hear him ask concerned, you shake your head and smile a little,

''I knew it was you, and I don't scare easy remember?'' you say as you start to giggle slightly, you feel him relax behind you as he continues to lead you to, wherever he was taking you. After couple minuets of walking and jumping, whilst talking to Leo, he stops you,

''are we here?'' you ask as you feel him start to remove the blindfold from your eyes, you took that as a yes, when you opened your eyes after the blindfold was taken from you, you see that you are both on top of the empire state building, looking over the river towards the statue of liberty, and right in front of you was a den kind of thing made of pillows and covers, your eyes widen as you look behind you at Leo.

When you turn around you see Leo standing there holding a big bouquet of flowers all different shades of blue and blushing slightly.

''(Y/n), we have been friends for a while now and I feel like over the past week we have just kept getting closer, I know i'm not exactly human, but my feelings for you have grown more than any humans ever will for you, so I want to ask you, something that I've wanted to ask you for a while.'' You look into his blue eyes, when it hits you, you know what he wants to ask you and you already know your answer.

''(Y/n) will you do me the honour of being my girlfriend?'' Leo says, closing his eyes tightly and holding the flowers even tighter in his hands a deep red blush taking over his entire face, you stare at him as a gentle smile spreads on your face you, take the flowers from him and breath in the sweet aroma they release like the fresh air after a thunderstorm.

You walk closer to Leo and stand right in front of him, he opens his eyes and looks down at you,

''the honour would be all mine Leonardo'' you say still smiling at him, a relieved smile appears on his face as be pulls you into a gentle embrace you hug him back he then leads you to where he had set up the pillows and blankets.

You both sit down and snuggle together whilst watching the sunrise and you both had to agree that this was the happiest day that both of you had ever experienced.

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