First Kiss: Donnie

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After school you locked yourself up in the lab working on metalhead's upgrades for Donnie. You feel so many different emotions right now you just feel that if you were to be around anyone right now you would end up blowing up and hurting someone. Your pissed off at yourself and you feel really bad for (R/G).

In chemistry today you had a test and okay you aced it, no surprise there but that's not why your pissed off at yourself. Your upset because your chemistry teacher had the nerve to outright embarrass (R/G) in front of the class, just for being the only person in the class that failed the test, then decided to further humiliate her by comparing her test results to yours, the only person to pass it with no mistakes!

You had been in here all day talking to no one, you hadn't even spoken to Donnie or master Splinter since this morning in training before you and the girls even left for school. You even refused to eat dinner with the rest of the guys and girls. You were starting to get all stiff in the shoulders and neck, and you wanted to go take a bath and relax but you didn't want to get bombarded with pointless questions.

You were halfway through downloading the new upgrades and fixing some glitches in metalhead's armour when you felt a pair of strong but gentle hands rest on your shoulders. You decide to ignore it because you don't want to hurt Donnie with nasty words that you don't mean. That was until you feel him kneel down behind you and start to massage your shoulders and neck whilst your working.

''Angel listen, you don't have to say anything but just listen to me okay?''  Donnie says in a gentle voice, you stop working and listen to him whilst he continues to massage your tense muscles.

''I know what happened at your school, Raph told me after he went to see (R/G). I can understand how you feel, feeling mad at yourself when someone you care about gets slagged and then humiliated by using your own work to humiliate them in front of lots of people. Just know that (R/G) doesn't hate you or blame for it and she hates seeing you like this as do I and well everyone does. Please come out and be your usual self again.'' As he says this you know that staying here is making everyone worried, and you know that is selfish but you still feel a wave of anger inside you that makes you feel stubborn enough to keep your back to your boyfriend.

Donnie sighs and asks you to turn around for just a minuet,

''please angel?'' he asks you quietly, you sigh and turn around, you force yourself to look up into his amber, red eyes but as soon as you do you feel Donnie lean in and kiss you. At first you feel slightly annoyed that he tricked you but you instantly melt into his arms and wrap your arms around his neck as he wraps his arms around your waist pulling you into him. You pull back from the kiss and look up at him again,

''your such a dork, tricking me to turn around just to kiss me'' you say showing him a small smile, he just smiles back at you an whispers into your ear,

''yeah I know, but my plan worked didn't it? I got you to talk to me, smile again and I even managed to get you to melt into my arms with just a simple kiss. I love you angel and i'm always here for you okay?'' he says looking down at you with a look of affection in his eyes. As you nod at him he kisses you again gently. You of course kiss him back but you let him lead, it feels good just to let someone else do the work for the day.

That night you apologised to everyone for your selfishness and of course they understood and forgave you. You and Donnie are now snuggling together on the couch and watching science documentaries together.

Okay Donnie may be the shyest of his brothers but you soon find out that after your slump, he will do anything to kiss you. Sometimes that night you would try to get him to kiss you without saying anything to him and of course, he would notice and happily oblige to your non-verbal requests.

Aww soo kawii, isn't Donnie just adorable, anyway fan girling aside I hope you guys enjoy reading this chapter as much as I loved writing it! And now I shall be off to write da Mikester's chapter see you soon. Later ma Chika's!        - E xxxxxx

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