Rescuing Him: Raph

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Your POV

You had arrived at the purple dragons base, you pulled up your hood and walked up to the door,

''Password?'' one of the dragons asked, you kept your eyes to the ground but held up your three middle fingers in a trident shape, he nodded his head and you walked in, the place looked like a fighting arena. You watched for a while as the purple dragons beat each other up for the 'grand prize' you had a feeling you new what that was.

''And now time for the final fight, the current 3 leading dragons will have the opportunity to finally be rid of one of the turtles!'' Hun shouted through the microphone as all the other purple dragons cheered, as Raph, who was chained to a board was lowered down into the arena. You grabbed a hold of your sais under your hoodie and walked up to the ring, you were not gonna watch your boyfriend get beaten to death.

You jumped into the fighting ring and stood between Raph and the dragons, the three of them looked at you confused, You spun around and cut the chains holding Raph with one of your Sai and turned to face the purple dragons again. The whole room was silent, staring at you.

''What the...'' one of the dragons said as he and the other two got into fighting stances, you threw Raph's Sai to him, he was on his knees and weak. He looked up to you weirdly, you smirked and threw off your hoodie and got into a fighting stance, your sais readied. Raph's eyes widened with surprise as you stood off with the PD's.

''(R/G)?!'' he mumbled,

''You boys wanna rumble? Try fighting someone who can fight back!'' you said loudly, after that all three of them came running at you, you laughed as you managed to take all three of them out. However Hun jumped down in front of you, Raph watched in horror as Hun was beating you up, eventually you knew there was no point trying to take this guy out alone he was too tough. You ran over to Raph and put your arm around him, he put his arm over your shoulder and accepted your support. You threw down smoke bombs all around you and got both you and Raph out of there.

Back at the lair you staggered in still supporting Raph, Leo and his girlfriend ran up to you both. Leo took Raph to go and sit on the couch whilst (L/G) helped you to walk over slowly,

''what the shell happened to you (R/G)? I thought I said no fighting?!'' (L/G) questioned as she helped you to sit on the couch next to Raph,

''Yeah, yeah whatever, Mrs Leo god. Ever thought that one of us might just have to fight out way out of that?'' you say kind of annoyed at her nagging, both Leo and his girlfriend blush at your words and Raph started to laugh. You turn to him and hold his hands in yours, you look down pathetically before you started to speak.

''Raph, I am so sorry I was upset this morning because I found out my music teacher, Mrs Jackson got taken into hospital after having a heart attack. I was so worried about her that I started to panic and I just needed to let all my anger out somehow, but I didn't mean to take it out on you only on the training dummy. Look I can understand if you can't forgive me but as long as you can understand that I meant none of what I said to you earlier'' you said, Raph tightened his grip on your hands, you looked up slightly confused but when you did he leaned in and kissed you.

Whe he pulled back he was smirking at your surprised face. You tried to speak but nothing came out so it just looked like you were trying to mimic a fish. Raph started to laugh as did Leo and (L/G) which made you begin to laugh along with them. After and a while Leo and his girl returned to watching space hero's and you snuggled up to Raph. He wrapped his arms around you and you placed your head on his shoulder happily.

''Thanks for saving me babe'' he whispered into your ear,

''No problem Raphie'' you whispered back smiling as you watched the TV with them hoping that (D/G) and (M/G) were okay and having just as much luck at finding their boyfriends as you and (L/G) did.

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