You Want To See Each Other Again: Mikey

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You are back in the skate park, You liked going there when nobody was there it meant you could show off without getting moaned at by all the little kids trying and failing to copy your awesome moves. You got of your board for a quick water break, you sat down on the wall and your mind wandered back to a couple of days ago when you were here, this is where you had met Mikey your fun new skateboard friend.

''I wonder where Mikey is right now I kinda miss him, I mean we did promise to hang out and have pizza at some point and he doesn't seem like the kind to go back on a promise'' you say into the empty skate park.

You get back up and start to practice grinding the rails when you hear a loud,


''Wooah!'' you yelled in surprise as you fell of your board and onto the concreate.

''Oh shell, sorry (y/n) I didn't mean to scare you are you alright'' says a worried looking Mikey as he runs over to help you up, you take his hand and burst into laughter as soon as you stand up,

''its....Its okay Mikey'' you say whilst trying to stop laughing, Mikey breaks out into a big smile then bursts into laughter with you.

After about 5 minuets of rolling on the floor laughing you both stand up and Mikey gives you a big turtle hug,

''I missed you so much dudette! Now you can show me those sweet tricks you were doing'' he says whilst spinning you in circles still hugging you.

''Haha, I can't do that if you squeeze the life out of me'' you say whilst laughing at how excited he was being sure you missed him loads too but it had only been two days. You smiled at the thought as Mikey gently put you down,

''Oh right aha sorry dudette'' he says rubbing the back of his neck, ''so come on show me how to do those tricks and I'll show you some of my super sweet Mikster tricks'' he shouts grabbing his board and skating back and forth around the park, you giggle slightly and grab your own board.

                                                                                20 minuets later

''But I mean really dudette I never thought you had such amazing moves your. so. coooooool!'' he shouts and the pizza slice he was holding goes flying across the room and hits the wall behind him.

''Oops sorry (y/n)'' you giggle and hand him a new slice from the box in front of you. After having a blast at the skate park you invited Mikey back to your apartment for pizza and video games, your parents were both out for work anyway so you would have been home alone anyway.

''No worries Mikey I'll clean it up, and thanks you have some pretty sick moves yourself'' you say to him as you grab a cloth and clean up the pizza off of your wall.

''Your room is so cool dudette, I love the skate posters and all your sports stuff, not to mention all your video games! Reminds me of my room'' he says devouring his 5th pizza slice you laugh at him and tidy up all the empty pizza boxes as he stands up.

''Well dudette I need to get back before my brothers send a 3 turtle search party to find me but here's my number call me and we can, totally hang out like this again'' you take the paper and walk to your window with him,

''you can count on it, high 3 for the road dude'' you say holding your hand in the air as Mikey gives you a big smile and gives you  a high 3,

''awesome dudette, talk to you soon then'' he says giving you one more big smile before jumping out your window and across the rooftops.

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