The First Encounter: Mikey

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You were having fun at the skate park, on your skateboard, doing 360's, grinding the rails and acing the half pipes.

''Wooo!'' you shout you've been there the whole day, and now its starting to get dark, you start to make your way home doing sweet tricks and flips on your board your passing by an ally when,

''wooooaaaahhh'' CRASH  you jumped of your skateboard and made your way in to the ally where the sound originated from,

''ow, man I need to be more careful, my bros will kill me if I miss training for an injury I caused myself'' you here someone groaning, you walk closer and see someone lying on his back holding his head in his hands,

''hey um are you alright'' you ask as you walk over to where he is you are about to reach him when he turns his head ad see's you waking towards him.

''No stop don't come any closer'' he says, his baby blue eyes widening in panic,

''why?'' you ask ''I 'm not gonna hurt you I just want to help you'' you say to him gently,

''no that's not it dudette I just don't want you to run away screaming when you see that I'm not..... normal'' you look into his baby blue eyes when he says this and sees that they are filled with sadness and pain.

''Hey its okay, i'm not gonna run I promise'' you wait whist he thinks it over, he gives you an 'okay' and you walk over to him as you do you see that he is a turtle, with nunchucks and an orange ninja mask, you walk over to him and offer him your hand out to him which he takes as you help him he gives you a confused look,

''your not scared of me?'' he askes you, you shake your head when you do he plasters a huge smile on his face and engulfs you in a bone crushing hug.

''Awesome dudette, now I have another human friend, we are friends right?'' he asks putting you down you just giggle and nod your head as you plaster a smile just as big as his on your face,

''BOOYAKASHA!'' he shouts, you giggle at this adorable outburst, when he turns to you,

''Oh shell I forgot to ask you your name dudette, I'm Michelangelo but you can just call me Mikey, or Mikster or Dr. Prankenstien I go by a lot of names'' he says with a smug little smile on his face you giggle at his playful atmosphere and personality.

''I'm (y/n), oh shoot i'm late for dinner sorry Mikey I gotta bounce but we should totally hang out and get pizza sometime'' you say as you grab your board and turn back to Mikey with a smile.

''Totally dudette, pizza is the best ever! See ya soon (y/n)!'' he shouts as you wave back,

''bye Mikey!'' as you skate back home you think about Mikey, he was funny and he seemed like an awesome dude you closed your eyes as the wind blew through your (h/c) (hair colour) as you thought about your next encounter with Michelangelo.

TMNT (2012) Boyfriend Scenario'sTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang