Together Forever: Leo

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You and the girls were out at the mall with April, you guys still felt guilty about almost getting your boyfriends killed so you begged sensei to give you all a punishment, he hesitantly had agreed and told you all to train for another hour that day then going out to relax, so that's what you did. You were all now sitting in the cafeteria together. April had apologised for the whole being a bitch when you all first met so you all forgave her and now you were all really close friends with her.

She turned to (D/G) and whispered something in her ear, (D/G)'s eyes widened and she spat out her juice over you before covering her mouth and coughing. A boy walked up behind her and started to rub her back, you looked up to see Donnie and all the other guys in their human forms, (D/G) blushed when she saw him, then you all waved as they walked into a...jewellery store?!

''Okay (D/G) what the shell did, April say to you to make you spit your juice all over me?'' you asked as you dried yourself off with a napkin she had handed you. She looked at you all then started to blush again,

''uh she asked me what I would say if Donnie... If he... uhhhh..'' she stuttered covering her face and smiling slightly, you nodded with (R/G) and (M/G) waved her hand coxing her to continue,

''Okay she asked me what I would say if Donnie proposed to me!'' she blurted out then covered her face. You all thought about it, what would you say if Leo asked you to be his wife? Were you ready for marriage? You thought about it then came to your resolve.

'I mean its not like he's gonna propose to me today right? So you kept it to yourself. As you were drinking your juice you started to think about it deeper, he would take you the ballet show of swan lake and you would sit at the front with him, then the dancers would form a line and hold up cards...'(y/n) (l/n) will you marry me? you would turn round and he would be on one knee with a ring box in his hands and... woah, woah, WOAH! what the shell were you thinking! Jeez.

You snapped out of your trance and you and the girls stood up to leave when you found yourself wrapped up in a pair of strong arms, you smiled knowing who it was and spoke without turning round,

'What is it fearless?'' you said smirking, the other girls giggled and started to pack up their stuff 'ignoring' your little conversation. He turned you around and looked into your eyes.

''We're going on a date, c'mon!'' he said dragging your arm and pulling you away, you shrugged at the girls and April who all stood there giggling, watching as you were getting dragged away by your weirdly nervous boyfriend. You stopped outside of a dance theatre after a short walk from the mall Leo purchased two tickets then laced his fingers with you and pulled you inside, dragging you to the very front row and sat beside you.

''So you brought me to a ballet show?'' you asked smiling slightly

''Not just any show, one you've wanted to see for ages. Swan lake'' he said you smirked and gave him a quick peck before relaxing in your chair. Wait a minuet! The ballet show of swan lake? Sitting in the front row together? This was starting to play out like your fantasy, but I mean it was just a date, must just be a coincidence... right? I mean sure you wrote this exact thing in  your diary a while back but you always kept it locked and well hidden so yeah just a coincidence.

halfway through the show all the dancers stopped and lined up on stage every one seemed confused until they started to hold what did they say?!

'(Y/n) (l/n) will you marry me! -Leo' your eyes widened as spotlights landed where you and Leo were sitting the entire audience gasped and were silently holding their breath. By now you were standing you looked down to your side and saw Leo on one knee, he smiled at you and opened the box in his hands revealing a beautiful silver based ring covered in sapphire and diamond with a diamond heart in the centre.

You gasped and covered your mouth as tears fell down your cheeks. You smiled and nodded your head, completely speechless. Everyone cheered as Leo breathed a sigh of relief and slipped the ring on your finger and stood up pulling you into a hug.

''How did you...'' you whispered into is ear, you could tell that he was smiling as he whispered back.

''I read your diary, that day you fell asleep and forgot to put it away. I was planning this for a while, I hope you don't mind'' you shook your head and snuggled closer to him as you both sat down again. You rested your head on his shoulder and smiled as you watched the rest of the show with your new fiancé. 

TMNT (2012) Boyfriend Scenario'sDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora