You Realise You Like Him: Mikey

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Mikey had invited you to hang out with him at your favourite skate park as it was always empty, you had done everything you need to do that day and your parents were of course out of town for work as usual, so you grab your skateboard and lock up your apartment before going to meet him at the usual spot.

You notice when you get there that he is fiddiling with something, 'right time for some revenge' you think as you start to pick up some speed and do a sweet jump, flip off the closest ramp to Mikey, you soar over his head as you shout,

''BOOYAKASHA'' as loud as you can, when you land to your delight, you see that Mikey had fallen of his skateboard, and was now rolling on the floor laughing his shell off.

You stare at him whilst he is laughing and start to think how cute he is, with his baby blue eyes and the way he is always happy. You start to think 'what the shell were you thinking about,' and then all of that thinking started to hurt your brain so you stopped as you walk over to where Mikey had finally calmed down. You offer him your hand to help him up but when your hands touch you get a feeling like a jolt of electricity through your entire body that seems to super charge your heart as it was now pounding in your chest at what felt like super speed.

''Hahaha nice one dudette, payback for last time i'm guessing'' he says to you as he picks up his flipped over skateboard,

''yeah I guess it was haha'' you say laughing nervously as you look into those adorable baby blue eyes of his.

''Hey (y/n) you wanna watch me do some sweet new tricks I've been practicing lately?'' you smile brightly at him and give him a big nod as you go over to sit on the wall to watch him. You start to think that he is trying to show off because you are there, but you decide to forget you even thought of that after all you didn't even know what it meant for a boy to 'show off' in front of a girl.

As you keep watching Mikey you start to feel your heart pounding in your chest whenever you look at him and you don't understand why so you pull out your phone and start texting your bestist friend ever you have been besties since you were little kids she had always been way smarter than you but you have always been more outgoing, also she's the smartest girl in school so if she doesn't know what is going on with you, well then no one will.


''Aha hey (y/n), what's up I've not heard from you in ages! xxx''

''aww yeah sorry dudette I've been chilling with that radical new guy friend I told you about xxx''

''aww yeah that guy, so what? are you with him now? xxxx''

''yeah we are at our favourite skate park he's showing me his awesome new moves. xxxxx''

''Really? that's cool so why you messaging me? Is something wrong? xxxx''

''well yeah kinda lately everytime I look at him or he looks at me my heart races like a speed train dude and whenever he isn't around I can't take my mind off of him. You're super smart and all that do you know what's going on with me? Am I ill or something? xxxx''

''aww (n/n) (nickname) it looks like you've fallen in love with this guy that's so cute, i'm really happy for you! I hope it works out for you both! well I'll talk to you later because at some point my new guy friend is coming round soon because i'm home alone again speak to you soon (n/n)!'' xxxxx

''Kay later bestie! xxxxx''

''Bye hunnie! xxxxx''

Love so you were in love, well now you know what love feels like and to be honest your parents had always told you love was more heartbreak than anything but now you know how its feels to truly be in love with someone, you now know that everything they told you was a lie. You love Mikey with your whole heart and existence. Nothing and no-one was going to take that or him away from you, ever. 

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