Sora X Reader X Riku ( Continuation )

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If You Chose Sora 


The 1 boy you had a crush on first the 1 boy you loved first. Sora. You just sighed as you walked up to your room. As you walked inside your tiny room you began to look at the window ledge the place where you would always talk to Sora. " I just wish I could tell Sora that I chose him.." you said in your mind as a voice disturbed your peace. "  Y/N?" A sweet soft voice whispered as you turned around. There standing in the doorway was Sora. He ran up to you and rapped his strong arms around your small body. You stood there on the balcony hugging each other 

You stood there in complete shock and wondered " did I say that complete sentence out loud?" once again you were amazed as Sora answered " Yeah..."  you smiled as you left the hug and looked out into the stars. You caught Sora looking straight at you then he leaned in. Then at that exact moment you knew you had made the right choice. 

If You Chose Riku 


Sora had changed as you thought about it. Riku was the boy who helped you through everything. Nothing could replace Riku the boy who saved you from everything after Sora went away. As you turned around Riku was standing by the Paopu tree with one. You walked over to him and smiled. " Y/N I know you probably chose Sora over me and...." you stopped him where he was and kissed him. You felt lots of sparks as he kissed back. As it ended Riku stared at you in the moonlight.

 " Riku I chose you because of your helpful fun personality."  a tear dropped down your cheek as you were smiling. " Well lets share this fruit." Riku suggested as you started to eat your piece. " Its so sweet!" you laughed as Riku smiled. " As long as I am always with you."

( @bladequeen1 ITS FINALLY DONE ) 

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