Sakamaki brothers as dogs!

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~Shu Sakamaki~

Shu would be the laziest dog in the house. 

But, that doesn't mean he does nothing all day. 

He most likely would be found laying on a couch, maybe sleeping. But he loves it when you play music. Doesn't matter if it is from your phone, or you are doing it live. He loves it. He most favorite is the violin. But, he doesn't mind other instruments. He loves his classical music, or song in a classical music style. 

When he wants your attention, he'll lay on you, and make it so you can't get out. He does this in way that can be perverted. But Shu doesn't give a crap. He just wants you. 

~Reiji Sakamaki~ 

Reiji is the one dog in the house that acts responsible.

He seems to keep his brother in line, most of the time. He seems to be the one that runs the place. He knows exactly when dinner is, and if you are off schedule, he'll definitely do something about it. He always can be found in the library, you guess it was because he liked it there. 

When he want attention, he'll snuggle up with you, and make it so only he gets attention from you. He'll rip up things, he'll eat nothing. He will get your attention. In anyway that seems logical to him. Sometimes he gets a little bit perverted.

~Laito Sakamaki~ 

Laito is the dog that is most perverted out of all the dogs in the house. But he also is the one who is the most happy and cheerful. 

He's the dog that is always wanting to go outside, but he himself hates bugs and other things that crawl. He really likes other females dogs, and sometimes he'll bring some home. But since it cuss trouble for you and the owner of the other dog pain. Laito doesn't do it that often because you tell him no. But Laito also can be very scary, or protective. He doesn't like when he doesn't get want he wants he'll do somethings. He once bite you, because you weren't doing something he wanted. But, he eventually came back to you, and tried to help you feel better. Once, he didn't like a person, and he scratched them. 

When he wants attention, he's not afraid to be extremely perverted about it. He'll get to places, and stay there until he feels he had enough, and walks away.

~Kanato Sakamaki~ 

Kanato is the one that carry around a stuffed toy you got him. And he won't let it go. 

He loves playing with dolls and other toys, he always acts like a little puppy, being cute and adorable, but he is not afraid of hurting someone. He has done that to other people he doesn't like he'll bite or scratch them. If they take his stuff, he'll hurt them. He loves sweet things, like treats and such. He always wants one, this is why you hide the treats well.

When he wants attention, he'll take things from you. He won't give it back unless he gets time with you. If you don't do want he wants he'll get violent, and knock over things, and get you hurt until he gets your attention.

~Ayato Sakamaki~ 

Ayato is the dog that makes the most trouble. But he also is the one that is active and wants to play with you more than his brothers.

He makes the most trouble for you and the people around you. He'll rip up the cutains, mess up the table, eat your homework, pee on the neighbor's lawns, and do want ever he wants and be proud of  it. But he does it because he wants your attention, he wants to be near you. When he's not causing trouble, he will most likely be with you. But around other people, he's protective. And doesn't like it when people get really close to you. 

When he wants attention, he'll get it. He does lots of things to get your attention. From simple things to things that you could kill him for. But he does it, and you love him for it.

~Subaru Sakamaki~

Subaru is the dog that looks like he doesn't want a lot of attention, but you know he needs it. 

Subaru is usually the one who will be the most violent. He'll tears up things, and hurt anyone, but when it comes to you, he'll be careful, there has been times when he has hurt you, but he always is there to help you get better. Once he bite you, and he snuggled with you the whole day, liking your wound, acting like it might kill you. But, he is the one who is the loneliest of the house. Nobody really plays with him. 

When he wants attention, he'll get close to you but not do anything, when you pick him up he'll be happy, and as long as you rubbed him for a while, he wouldn't follow you around.

~Celia Sakamaki~

Celia is the only female dog, but she doesn't act like her brothers, she's the most caring for other people around her.

Celia is the one thing that sometimes hold the brothers together, she breaks up fights, she does make sure that her brothers are okay, unlike Reiji, who just makes sure they don't kill each other. She herself doesn't really do anything in the house, she can either be found with one of her brothers, with Lucius that is almost always true, or by herself. Her older brother seem to care about her, seeing as when she first came into the house, the brothers where protective of her. But just because she's blind doesn't mean she isn't defenseless. She at time will hurt something. But, she doesn't like doing so. She seems to know when you are upset or angry, and she always has a way to cheer you up. If it be she gets one of her brother, or she stays with you, she still will take care of you. 

When she wants attention, she'll act like Subaru. Only sometimes, Lucius gets your attention, not her.

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