Chapter 15: Night Life

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Renesmee's POV

Stef is still in the bathroom changing, I'm already in my outfit. I have on a tight purple dress that's really short. The only way I let Stef talk me into wearing it is because I put on some black leggings. I look really grown up, mostly because of my hair. By some miracle Stef had straightened it. Between that and the dress I could pass for about seventeen. 

"You look great Ness" Stef says coming out of the bathroom, she has on a green tank top and a black leather skirt. 

"That's a lot of skin Stef" 

"Thanks" she says putting some earrings on. 

Stef could wear the shortest outfits and still look classy it's the craziest thing. 

"Come on let me do your makeup" I walk over to her vanity table and sit "I love doing your make up, it's so easy because I barely have to put any on. You're just so naturally beautiful" Stef says. 

"Well we have my mom to thank for that" I say as I feel a little pain in my stomach. 

This is probably the longest I've ever been away from her and I really miss her. I miss my dad too even though he hit me and tried to keep me away from Jake. The bruise is still there but since Stef is working her magic with the makeup you can barely see it. After she's finished its gone, she puts some eye makeup on me then some lip gloss. 

"There, perfect" she says closing her makeup bag 

"You've been to this place before right?" I ask. 

"Yes a bunch of times" Stef assures me "don't be nervous" she says.

"I'm not that nervous. Are we going to get carded?" I ask 

"Nope, it's a bar where people who are hundreds of year's old look like teenagers. And it's not just the vampires that have deceiving looks" she says winking at me. 

"Okay" I say laughing 

After Stef's done with her makeup we go to the living room. Where Seth and Jake are waiting for us, both of their eyes popped as we walk in. 

"Whoa" Seth says 

"I know right" Stef says twirling 

"You guys look great" Jake says looking me up and down. 

I know I'm blushing "thanks" I say tucking some hair behind my ear.

"Let's go" Stef says taking Seth's arm. 

I let Stef drive since I've never been to Nighttide before, when we get there I'm impressed. Its a nice looking building with a long line in front of it. Stef takes us to the back, there's a big muscly guy wearing a tight black t-shirt standing by the door. 

"Hey Jimmy" Stef says greeting him 

"Stephanie" he says nodding "you've bought friends tonight" he says looking at me, Jake and Seth. 

"Yup" she says, she briefly introduces us then she holds out her hand. 

Jimmy takes it and stamps it, he does the same to the rest of us. Then he opens the door to let us in. 

"Have fun" he says as we go inside. 

I notice that each of our stamps are a different color. Mine is red Stef's is purple and Seth and Jake's are yellow. 

"What's with the stamps?" Seth asks 

"There for identification, mostly for the bartenders so they don't slip a human a real bloody Mary. Plus shape shifters require an extra amount of alcohol to get a good buzz going. And if a human got hold of a shape shifter drink they would get alcohol poisoning" Stef explains. "Speaking of which" she said leading us to the bar "hey Linda" she says to the bartender.

"Hey Stephanie" Linda says.

Stef orders drinks for everyone, the bloody Mary she ordered for me was pretty good. I don't know much about alcohol but my drink had the perfect amount of blood and vodka. After we finished our drinks Stef and Seth disappear onto the dance floor. Jake and I stay at the bar and I order another bloody Mary. When I'm half way done Jake laughs quietly to himself.

"What's so funny?" I ask him. 

"Nothing... I was just thinking that if Bella could see us right now, she'd kill me for letting you come here" he says. 

"Huh I hadn't thought about that" I say, I down my drink and get up. "Come on, dance with me" I say to Jake. 

He gets up takes my hand and twirls me onto the dance floor. I laugh as I land in his arms, then we dance together. Jake and I dance for hours we'd lost track of Seth and Stef a long time ago. I'd lost track of how many drinks each of us had downed. We were sitting in the back on a love seat laughing and making out. 

"This is so much bun" Jake slurs, making me laugh 

"I think you meant to say fun" I say still giggling. 

"There you guys are" Stef says dragging Seth behind her. "We looked everywhere for you" She says trying not to laugh.

"Did you look here?" I ask. 

She and Seth burst out laughing "okay I think we should go" Stef says 

"Yea I tink I a little drunk" Jake says. 

"I'm tour we all are" Seth says 

"None of you boys are making zero sense right now" I say getting off of Jake. "I have to pee I'll meet you guys outside" I say after kissing Jake one more time before I leave. 

I found the bathroom after three try's. While I'm washing my hands I feel like someones watching me. Then the lights go out, my head was swimming a little but it clears. I go to the door but it opens before I get to it and someone grabs me. I'm about to yell but a cold hand clamps down over my mouth. Then we're outside and I'm up against a wall looking at a vaguely familiar face.

Side Affects: A Jacob & Renesmee StoryWhere stories live. Discover now