Chapter 33: The Plan Final

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Jacob's POV

I follow the directions Alec sent me, apparently Ian has a private room to... eat in. I find Alec leaning against a wall waiting for me.

"Where are they?" I whisper

"Uh they went in that room over there" he says pointing to the only room in this hallway. "I wasn't sure if I was supposed to stop them" 

"Na she can handle herself" I say texting Jasper. We wait till he gets here, when he shows up Alice is with him. 


"We have to get her out of here we thought about trying to sneak Renesmee out too. But Isabelle's keeping an extremely close eye on her" he explains. 

"Did you text Stef" I ask him 

"Yes she's ready and waiting" he says. 

"Good then I guess we should go in now" I say when we do Ian is passed out on the floor. "Whoa nice job Blondie" I say to her.

"Rose? I didn't see you how-" 

"Bella's idea" Rose says cutting Alice off. 

"Bella is really good at this" Alice says then Jasper's cell buzzes. 

"It's Stef she says our window is closing" he says taking out the special cuffs Stef gave us. He secures Ian's hands behind his back then he and Alec carry Ian out of the room. Alec helps us follow Stef's instructions, we had to go down a couple of stairs. Then we get to a room that looks like it hasn't been used in decades and Edward is waiting for us. 

"Where's Bella?" Rose asks 

"Here" Bella says walking in behind us. 

"I didn't think Renesmee was going to be able to convince you to leave" Edward says. 

"Me either, we have to do this fast Isabelle is getting suspicious" she says. Jasper texts Stef and a few seconds later a medium sized square hole opens up. 

"Wow" I say 

"Come on guys we're running out of time" Stef says through the hole. Jasper goes first dragging Ian behind him then Rose, Alice and Bella. 

"Go ahead Jake" Edward says 

"Are you sure?"

"Yes go" he says I go through and wait for Edward. But he doesn't come through then I hear fighting 

"Edward?!" I shout through the hole 

"Go!" he says  with strain in his voice. 

"No" I say 

"Not without you" Bella says 

"You have to!" he says then someone gets hit. 

"Edward!!" Bella yells trying to go back through, I grab her and pull her back. 

"Go! You have to go now!" Edward yells I grab Bella and pull her towards our van. She fights me and breaks my hand. 

"Drive!" I yell as soon as I get her in the van. Stef floors it and drives us away from the castle 

"That wasn't supposed to happen" Bella says when we're almost to the house. 

"What went wrong?" Jasper says 

"Isabelle must have had someone follow us" I say 

"No, Isabelle is too proud for that Derek must have followed you personally. I should have factored him in it's my fault I'm sorry Bella" Stef says. Bella doesn't say anything she just stares out the window. 

Side Affects: A Jacob & Renesmee StoryWhere stories live. Discover now