Chapter 12: What a Strange World

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Jacob's POV

"A what!?" I ask Nessie 

"A witch" she says again

"How? I mean well I know how this is going to sound but you don't look like a witch" I say looking at Stephanie. 

She has dark brown hair that if you didn't see in the sunlight looks black, and her eyes are a light bright green. She's actually kinda cute not as beautiful as Nessie but she doesn't look bad, she looks normal but then again so did me and Nessie. 

"I know right no green skin, pointy nose, or warts" Stephanie says her voice full of sarcasm. 

"I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that it's just-" 

"Weird" she finish's for me. "I get it, how do you think I felt when Nessie told me her life story". 

I think about that for a second "well if a half human half vampire kid had to have a friend I guess a witch would fit" I say smiling at Nessie. 

"Yeah, yeah you think you're so funny" Nessie says smiling back at me. 

"Aww you two are too cute, so why is your dad so against you guys being together?" Stephanie asks 

"Maybe because of what happened before I was born" Nessie says a little venom in her voice. I never wanted to lie to Renesmee so I told her about the whole love triangle thing between me, Edward, and Bella. 

"Huh?" Stephanie said pouring some green goo into a glass bowl from the pot. I give Stephanie the short version of what happened between the three of us. 

"Talk about drama" she says putting the bowl on the table. 

"Yeah" Nessie says still upset, she hates talking about this. 

"Well anyway let me see that bruise young lady" Stephanie says sensing the mood Nessie is in about the current conversation. "This really is a nasty bruise, I hope I can at least make the swelling go down" Stephanie says a little pissed. 

Its nice to know that Nessie has a friend outside of forks that seemes like a normal teenager (besides the whole witch thing). Stephanie spread's the weird goo all over the red hand print Edward left on Nessie's face. 

"You have to let it sit on your face for at least an hour" Stephanie says while leading Nessie to the couch. 

"Okay I could use a nap any way" Nessie said settling into the couch carefully so she doesn't mess up the goo on her face. I sit on the floor next to her she reaches for my hand, we sit  like this for about five minutes. Then her hand slips out of mine, I smile at her sleeping face and kiss her on the head. 

"Awww" Stephanie says coming from the kitchen 

"I honestly forgot you were here" I say smiling at her and picking Nessie up from the couch. "Uh do you know where the bedroom is?" I ask her. 

"First door on the right" she says washing out the pot she just used. 

I walk down the hall and into the bedroom. I lay Nessie carefully on the bed so I don't mess up the goo on her face. I put the covers over her, turn off the light and quietly close the door. When I get back to the kitchen I can smell hamburgers, melted cheese and fries. 

"I figured you'd be pretty hungry" Stef says flipping a burger at the stove. "Before you ask it's a turkey burger, but then again you should know that" she says taking fries out of the pan. 

"Yea" I say smiling, for some reason Nessie hates burgers made with beef she only likes turkey burgers, but has no problem with a nice big stake. 

"Do you want cheese on yours?" she asks 

"Sure" two minutes later she puts a plate with two huge cheese turkey burgers and a mouton of fries in front of me. 

Stef has almost the same thing on her plate except she only has one burger. She puts her plate on the table and puts another plate in the oven. Then she pulls out four cans of coke and puts two in front of me, then starts to drown her fries in ketchup. I put some ketchup on my burgers and take a bite. 

"Wow" I say after I swallow. "This has to be the best burger I've ever tasted" 

"Thanks" Stef says in between bites of her own burger. For a while we just sit quietly and eat. When I'm half way done with my second burger I ask 

"So how long have you been a witch?" 

"My whole life, most parents like to wait till they're kids are like 15 or 16, but I grew up knowing" she explains. 

"That was nice of your parents" I say 

"It's just me and my mom" she says taking a sip from her second can of coke. 

"Oh sorry" I say shoving a bunch of fries in my mouth 

"It's okay my dad left when I was like five. I barely remember him" 

"Why did he leave? If you don't mind me asking"

"He wasn't the best husband he used to hit my mom. And when he 'accidentally' broke my arm when he was drunk my mom gave him a choice. Leave or get a bullet in the head"

"Wow" I say shocked. 

"Yea but it's all good now my mom is dating again, the guy seems really nice. And she's happy so I'm happy"

We finish eating in silence "so" I say after we're done eating "how long have you know Nessie?" 

"Well we meet online, hey don't give me that look it was a chat room for supernatural beings"

"Really?" I say laughing 

"Yea I always go into those kind of chat rooms, usually it's just a bunch of wanna be vampires. But Ness seemed different ya know?" 

"Yea she has that effect on people" I say 

"So I gave her my number and we started talking. Then she came up here one week and the rest is history" 

"Well you seem nice enough" I say

"You too" she agrees 

"Well Jacob I'm going to go get some sleep" Stef says 

"Wait you live here too?" I ask

"Yea Ness lets me live here, I love my mom but let's just say it gets too loud over there for me" she explains. 

"Oh" I say scrunching up my face 

"Yea" she says walking down the hall to an empty bedroom. Just as the door closes my cell rings 

"Hello?" I said into the phone 


"Oh hey Seth what's up?"

Side Affects: A Jacob & Renesmee StoryWhere stories live. Discover now