Chapter 18: Danger Zone

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Renesmee's POV

"What!?" I yell standing up 

"I have to tell you the whole story and it's kind of long" Alec says. 

"Spill" I say 

"Aro heard whispers of a girl with incredible abilities, and as usual he had to have her" Alec said. 

"Just like with Alice" I whisper 

"Yes, Marcus always said Aro's obsession with collecting would get him in trouble. Any way back to the point, Aro sent people out to look for her. But none of them came back. Then one day this guy comes to us saying that he's her brother. That was the day we found out her name" Alec says. 

"What is it?" I ask 

"Isabelle" he said shuddering "her brother said that she'd come to Volterra if Aro came back with her brother" he said swirling his cup. 

"So Isabelle wanted Aro to come alone, to where ever she was to acquire her?" I ask making sure I understand him. 

"Yes those were the terms of her agreement" Alec said 

"Did he do it?" I ask 

"We all begged him not to but he didn't listen he wanted her too much" Alec said sighing. "He was only gone for two days. When he came back he came back with her. she was beautiful with her long silky blonde hair and gray blue eyes" he rakes his hand through his hair. 

"She was sweet and kind at first. Aro gave her any and everything she wanted. Then members of the guard started disappearing" he said. 

I want to say something but I hold my tongue. 

"Jane, Caius, Marcus, and I went to talk to Aro about it. When we told him he said 'everything's fine', the way he looked when he said it." He said shaking his head. "It was like he didn't even hear us. A few days later almost all of the guard was gone" 

"What do you think happened?" I ask. 

"Personally I think she killed them" 

"How? Isn't she just a human?" I ask, Alec laughs. 

"That's what we thought too. When she started replacing members of the guard with her own people..." Alec stares off into space. "I went to talk to her to ask her what exactly it is that she's doing here. That's when she told me that she's a witch" he said. 

"That's when I realized exactly who she was, there's this legend of a witch. A witch who's extremely powerful and immortal" Alec looks me in the eye. "Isabelle is the evilest, oldest and most powerful witch in the world. She started asking Aro about Carlisle and his family. She seemed real interested in Edward, Bella and you." I shake my head. 

"What does any of this have to do with me?" I ask "Isabelle was very interested in your conception and birth. She started saying that you're the chosen one." 

"Chosen for what?" I ask. 

"She started telling everyone to gather things" 

"She created a shopping list?" I say. 

"Well yes I guess you could see it that way. When I asked her what it was for she said it... she said the items are for a sacrifice" Alec said. 

"Sacrifice for what?" I ask 

"She wouldn't say" 

"How do you know she means me?" I ask shaking. 

"It was just something Isabelle said. I had to warn you. If this, this women gets what she wants then we are all in trouble" he says. 

I can hear my breathing speed up then I fall into blackness.

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