Chapter 8: Complications

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Jacob's POV

I wake up extremely groggy and sore I move my left arm to find it has tubes stuck in it. 

"Jake!" I hear Nessie squeal, she hug's the right side of me. "Thank goodness you're ok" she cries. 

"Yea, what happened?" I ask still groggy. 

"My father was spying on us...mentally any way" she said clearly pissed. "Then he overreacted and ATTACKED YOU!" she yells the last part. 

"Well that explains the soreness. But why am I hooked up to all these machines?" I ask pointing to my left arm. 

"Um well your leg is still not healing correctly, Grandpa thinks it's infected" she said looking at my leg. 

I sit up a little and look at my leg its all bandaged up "infected?" I ask confused. 

"Yea he seems to think a plant or something in the forest got in your wounds and is making your healing process slow down. But don't worry he's working on a special antibiotic to help get whatever it is out of your system" she said hopefully. 

"Ok but why does my head hurt?" 

"Oh, my father" she spat the word. "Gave you a mild concussion" but Grandpa said that should be healed in an hour or so. Then again since you've been out for a week that's not saying much" she says aggravated. 

Then she waits for it to sink in by tracing patterns on my right hand. 

"WHAT!? I'VE BEEN OUT FOR A WHOLE WEEK!?" I yell, the tubes in my left arm almost coming out. 

"Yea" she sighs. "My Dad's a jerk" she said a matter of fact lee then a tear streams down her cheek. 

"So how are you and your dad doing by the way?" I ask 

"Not. Good." she said slowly. "Mostly we're fighting while Mom try's to play peace maker"

"You guys aren't fighting about little old me are you?" I ask trying to make her laugh.

"Yes, Daddy all but tried to throw me out of the house, well this house anyway. You know if he had it his way I'd probably be locked away in my room right now" she said more clam now. 

Then Carlisle walks in with a metal tray. "How are you feeling Jacob?" he asks.

"Well my head stopped hurting but my leg..."

"Yes well that's what I came in here for" Carlisle replies then he unwraps my leg, takes out the stitches and cleans it. Then he picks up a huge needle from off the tray. 

"What are you gonna do with that doc?" I ask sitting up.

"I need to inject this into your leg" he explains leaning over my leg. 

Nessie holds my hand while Carlisle sticks the needle in my leg. And it hurts like hell. I bite my tongue so hard I taste blood. 

"What's in that needle?" I ask squeezing Nessie's hand 

"Sorry Jacob I forgot to warn you that it might burn a little" Carlisle said sounding embarrassed. 

"No, really" I said sarcastically, and hoping I'm not breaking Nessie's hand. About ten minutes later the burning stops and a weird yellow goo starts coming out of my leg.

"Um what is that?" Nessie asks

"I don't know" Carlisle said scraping some of the goo off with a cotton swab. 

After the mysterious goo stops coming out of my leg it heals up. "So can you take these tubes out of my arm now?" I ask lifting my left arm. 

"Give it at least five minutes ok Jacob. I just want to make sure everything is working the right way" Carlisle said nervously. 

"Ok" I sigh, then lean back against the pillows on the bed 

"You ok Jake?" Nessie asks tiredly 

"Yup" I say trying to keep my eyes open. "Hey doc is it normal for me to be tired right now?"

"Well yes actually" he said sounding more relaxed. "Your body is shifting back to its normal healing rate, so get some sleep" and with that he left. 

I take a chance to really look at Nessie she has slight circles under her eyes. "When's the last time you got some sleep Ness?" I ask her. 

"A week ago" she admits 

"You were waiting for me to wake up"  

"Yea" she said yawning. 

"Well then we should both get some sleep" I said pulling her down on the bed next to me. She curls up next to me and a few minutes later she's asleep, and not long after I feel myself drifting.

Side Affects: A Jacob & Renesmee StoryWhere stories live. Discover now