Chapter 16: Trouble

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Renesmee's POV

"Please don't scream I'm not going to hurt you. I just want to talk" the boy says. "I'm going to move my hand now" he tells me.

Then after a minute he slowly removes his hand from my mouth. I look closely at the boy and a name floats around in my head.

"Alec?" I say confused.

"So you do remember me, I wasn't sure you would. You were young when we first... met" he says.

"Yea" I say trying to twist my wrists out of his iron grip.

"You said you weren't going to hurt me right?" I ask him.

"Yes" he says nodding

"Well" I say looking at my wrist "you are"

He looks down at his hands.

"I'm sorry" he says letting go

Everything in me is telling me to run, to get away from him. Curiosity on the other hand makes me want to stay. He looks awful his hair is all rumpled up just like his clothes. Unlike the last time I saw him he's not in his volturi get up. He's wearing a black shirt with a black hoodie and jeans. His eyes are black which tells me he hasn't fed in a while.

"Are you okay?" I ask him, I didn't mean to it just came out.

"Not really" he says running his fingers through his hair "but that's besides the point, we need to talk"

"Yea you said that already" I say.

"Not here" he says looking around nervously, then he pulls out a card and presses it into my hand. "Meet me here tomorrow" he says almost pleading.

"But why-"

"I'll explain everything just not here. Promise you'll meet me tomorrow" he says

"I don't-"

"Promise!" he says loudly

"Okay, okay I'll be there" I say.

"Good I'll see you tomorrow" he mumbles then he's gone.

I take a deep breath. What was that about? I think as I walk to the back of the building.

"There you are Jake was about to have a heart attack" Seth says as I walk over to them.

"Ah I love that song" Stef says and I can't help but laugh.

"Where's Jake?" I ask

"Trying to keep to keep his liquor down" Stef says laughing. I see Jake leaning against the wall with his hand over his mouth.

"Hey are you okay?" I ask walking over to him.

"Yea I'm fine I just really need to get home" he says

"Okay let's go" I say.


When I wake up in the morning I can hear Jake in the bathroom barfing, I sit up slowly. I'm instantly sorry, my head is pounding and my stomach is a little bubbly. I walk over to the bathroom and lean on the door frame.

"How ya doing?" I ask him. He throws up violently and gives me a thumbs up.

"I'll go find some ginger ale" I said leaving.

"Thanks" he says in between gasps

"Uh huh" I said walking slowly to the kitchen.

When I get there Seth has his head down on the table. The table is filled with toast, tea, and omelets with bits of tomato in them.

Side Affects: A Jacob & Renesmee StoryUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum