Chapter 11: New Beginnings

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Renesmee's POV

When we get in the condo Jake puts our bags on the couch, he sits and pats the spot next to him I take a deep breath and sit next to him. 

"Let me see Ness" he says. 

I still have my hand over the spot where I'm sure I have a bruise. Because it still hurts, and besides rinsing the blood out of my mouth with a water bottle I haven't looked at it. I take another breath and drop my hand. Jake sucks in a deep breath and starts shaking 

"That bad?" I ask

"He. Left.  A. Handprint." Jake says still shaking.

 I walk to the mirror in the bathroom and see it. A deep red hand print, its on the right side of my face and it goes over the corner of my mouth. If I close my eye it goes over my eyelid and my right eyebrow and it's  swollen. I slide down and start crying Jake's there before I hit the floor, he holds me and lets me cry. After a few minutes I stop. 

"What happened after I left?" I ask 

"Well I went chasing after you, but you were too fast, so I went back to the house. Then Bella yelled at your dad, after I did"

"Wait you yelled at my dad?" I ask surprised 

"Well not really I was about to chew him out, but your mom beat me too it. Then she started crying well not really crying, oh you know what I mean" Jake says. 

I nod my head, I've seen my mom cry before, at least as much as a vampire can cry anyway. 

"Then" Jake continues "I tried to go to the house to see if I could get a clue as to where to find you but Blondie stopped me. She asked me to tell you to call them, just to let them know you're ok" 

He pause's digs around in his pocket for a second then places a cell phone in my hand. 

"Jake" I groan 

"C'mon Ness they at least deserve to know you're alright" 

I can't argue with him there so I take the phone and punch in my mom's number. 

"Hello?" she answers 

"Hi mom" I say my voice hoarse from crying 

"Oh Renesmee!" my mom sobbes into the phone "are you ok?" she asks.

"I'm fine" I promise 

"Please come home your father is so, so sorry" she said. 

"I can't I-I need time mom" there's a pause "ok I understand but keep in touch ok, um Rose wants to talk to you. Actually everyone does" my mom says laughing.

"Ok" I say nestling into Jake's lap. I talk to Rose, Alice, Carlisle, Esme, I even talk to Emmett and Jasper. Then he gets to the phone. 

"Renesmee?" dad asks timidly 

"Hi daddy" I say fresh tears falling from my eyes. 

"Oh Nessie I am soo sorry for for-" 

"It's ok dad" I say cutting him off because I know he can't say the word 'hit'. 

"Are you coming home?" he asks 

"No at least not now. I just...I need some time to be on my own" I answer there's a short pause. 

I hear him swallow then he says "okay I understand, just call in every couple of days okay Nessie?" 

"Sure dad" I answer. 

"Oh and tell Jacob that Seth wants him to call him, and the rest of the pack". After that the line goes dead.

"You heard that right?" I ask Jake 

"Yea" he says slowly "it's weird to you to right" he asks me and I shake my head. 

"Why do you think he's ok with us being somewhere alone? Just the two of us?" I ask

"I have no idea" Jake says with the same confused expression I probably have on my face. 

Then I stop to think about what I just said, me and Jake are alone together in my condo. I didn't really have any time to freak over it because there's a knock at the door. "Finally" I say getting up to answer the door. 

"Who's that?" Jake asks following behind me 

"Oh it's just my friend Stephanie" I tell him

Jake raised his eyebrow but didn't say anything he just sits on the couch while I let Stef in; as soon as I open the door she catches me and gave me a big bear hug.

"Where the hell have you been girl" she says laughing. 

"Sorry couldn't get away from home you know how it is" I say smiling 

"Yeah yeah overprotective parents and all that. Who's the hottie on the couch?" she asks eyeing Jake. 

"Jake this is my best friend Stephanie and Stef this is my boyfriend Jacob" I said introducing them 

"Oh right the werewolf/shape shifter" she says shaking his hand. Jake looks at me with the 'you told her?' face. 

"Yea I should've warned you I kinda told her everything about me" 

"Why would you do that Nessie? I mean no offence but just because you trust her means me and the rest of your family does" 

"You done?" I ask when he finishes his little rant. 

Jake rolls his eyes and said "yeah" 

I walk over to the kitchen table while Stephanie starts to spread out her stuff. 

"Let me see" she said her eyes pop while she examines my face. Then she folds her arms and I can hear her counting to ten under her breath. 

Stef's just about as protective as my dad she's more my sister than my friend. When she'd calmed down she asks "what happened?" 

I take her hand and show her everything from the day in the woods when my feelings changed. To the last fight me and dad had. 

"Well you two have had a rough day" she says still clearly pissed. Then she walks over to the stove pulls out her special pot and goes to work.

"Um what are you doing" Jake asks as he walks over to the table to sit next to me. 

"Cooking up something to help our girl's face" Stef says while tossing herbs into the pot, Jake looks at me for further explanation. 

"Well I don't know how else to say this so Stef.... is a witch" I blurted out. Jake just stares.

Side Affects: A Jacob & Renesmee StoryWhere stories live. Discover now