Chapter 37: Drifting

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Renesmee's POV

I died. I felt my life slip away, I saw the look on Jake's face as I took my last breath. But I'm still here I mean I think I am. There's no white light or any of that it's like I'm in a dark room. There's nothing here so I start walking around. Soon I start hearing things. I'm not sure what it is because it's like static I can't hear it clearly. The closer I get to the sound the louder it gets, it doesn't get clearer just louder. 

Then all of a sudden I'm back in the woods and I'm watching everyone mourn me. Mom and dad are crying and mom is holding on to dad tightly. I notice that dad has blood all over him I assume its Isabelle's blood. I look over at Stef and she's clutching Seth and crying her eyes out. I have to look away I've never seen Stef cry before and honestly seeing all of this is too hard. I hate seeing all the people I love in pain. Looking at Jake is the worst because I can tell he's lost and he's gone the boy that I'm in love with is gone. 

My death has wrecked him and he'll never be the same. A hot anger fills me, I hate Isabelle she's ruined my entire family. As soon as I think about Isabelle the scene before me disappears, and I'm thrust into the forest. It's like I'm running, all the trees are whizzing past me when I stop I'm standing in blood. I look down and see Isabelle lying on the ground dead her neck is completely torn up. I look around and try to figure out how and why I'm here. 

Then I hear something it's a heartbeat I look back down at Isabelle. Her neck is healing, after it completely heals her color starts to come back. Then she bolts straight up gasping and she feels her neck.

"I can't believe he bit me" she says standing up. 

"Isabelle!" Derek says running over to her "are you okay? What happened?" he ask looking at the blood. 

"Nothing permanent what's wrong?" she asks him 

"It's Ian" 

"What happened?" 

"You better come quickly" he says. 

Then she takes his hand and leaves and against my will I follow them, when we get to Ian he's paler than usual and he has a stab wound in his stomach. 

"Who did this?" Isabelle asks 

"Stephanie did, can you help him?" Derek asks 

"Yes but we have to move-" 

I don't get to hear the rest of the conversation. Because I'm whizzing past things again, suddenly out of nowhere I'm falling. It's strange, as I'm falling I see images that don't make sense. I see a man he's tall and handsome with grey/blue eyes he's talking to some women. Then in another flash the man is kissing a different women. The last flash is of the first women she's angry and tears are rolling down her face. 

She raises her hand and a burning white flash of heat comes from it, and the man falls to the ground in pain. And I fall too, hard I try to catch my breath but it's not working. I can't breathe it's like I'm in a box or something and it's getting smaller. I'm getting pushed down hard, I scream and fight but the more I fight the harder I get pushed down. Then all of a sudden I feel a burning sensation in my chest where Isabelle stabbed me. The pain is unbearable, between the burning and the crushing I can't take it and I black out.

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