More about me! (Yayy!)

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*ooks at gif* reaction: LOL WTF???^XD why the fuck...Idek anymore!

1. Name? Gabriella Catherine Elanor (Ashley Jayden Wynter)

2. Height? 5'2" (I'm so short! ;-;)

3. Weight? Idk, I think 140-150s

4. Age? 14 turning 15.

5. Birthday? December 22

6. Girl BFF? I have four: Peyton (Preston), Vianney, Nakaiyah (idk how to spell her name! xD) and Nyelle.

7. Guy BFF? I have three (again): David, Ben, and Mateo.

8. Crush? Fifth Harmony!! (XD), Ben (not my best friend) and Johnny (he's one year ahead of me and he is at a different high school where I am going to go ;-;)

9. Ever fell in love? Other than 5H, no.

10. Favorite food(s)? Pizza, Cheetos, Italian beef sandwiches from Portillo's.

11. Last text? I don't have a phone, thank my parents.

12. Longest relationship? Um my best friend David and I have been BF's for four years! Vianney, Nakaiyah and Ben and I have known each other since Kindergarten.

13. Battery percentage? 100% and staying on the charger because I'm on my mom's laptop.

14. Eye color? Brown-green Hazel.

15. Addiction? Music, hanging out with Preston, video games, McDonald's XD, 

Wendy's,Barro's Pizza, Peter Piper Pizza, Wattpad, Angel Alliance, MSP xD, and something else I forgot!

16. Favorite Song? (There's a lot...) 5H songs, MCR songs, PTX, PTV's King for a Day, BVB's songs, Lindsey Stirling's songs, Beyoncé's songs, Lady Gaga, and I won't drone on.

17. Sing in the shower? Rarely.

18. One wish? To meet 5H and tell them how much they've helped me through my fucked up life.

19. Country you live in? United States.

20. Pets? One dog, she's a toy poodle mixed with a bichon frise, her name is Cuddles.

21. Plan on getting married? Nah, bruh, Imma sleep around a lot! JUST KIDDING, JESUS! (Carol/Cheryl from Archer! XD) Maybe, if I find the 'one'.

22. Favorite subject? Computers, Music, or PE. (Weird cause I am lazy af)

23.  First kiss? My first kiss was with, Ben (not my best friend another Ben).

24. Insecure? Yes, most of the time.

25. Ever self harmed? Does digging your nails into the top of your hand count, or punching a locker really hard? If so, then yes.

26. Who you love? 5H, and no one else.

27. Miss anyone? I miss Nakaiyah, Ben (bestie), my ex gf who is also my bestie: Jackie.

28. Hair color? Dirty blonde, dying it black maybe with some blue.

29. Relationship status? Forever alone ;-;.

30. Last song you heard? Love Again-Pentatonix

31. Biggest fear? Heights, but for some reason I love to zip line. Idk, I'm weird.

32. Believe in ghosts? Yes, also in: demons, angels, Heaven, Hell, and Purgatory.

33. Something you hate? My parents, fake people, OH MY ALLYSUS! Girls who act all slutty or bitchy like why the fuck you doin that? My face: V

 Something you hate? My parents, fake people, OH MY ALLYSUS! Girls who act all slutty or bitchy like why the fuck you doin that? My face: V

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34. Favorite T.V. show(s)? Archer, Bones, Pokémon, TMNT, AMERICAN HORROR STORY!, and A Haunting.

35. Favorite movie(s)? Hocus Pocus, Cars, Cars 2, Pokémon movies, Maleficent, How To Train Your Dragon 1 & 2, Sister Act 1 & 2, The Heat, Tammy, Identity Thief, X-Men movies and Marvel movies.

36. Favorite Book? Manga count? If so, Death Note, Claymore, and I think one more idk xD. Real books: The Witch of Blackbird Pond, War Horse, Really Totally Lame notes from a Vampire book 1 & 2.

37. Favorite animal? Wolves, Dragons, Unicorns, Cats, Dogs, Snakes, and Foxes.

38. Jealous of______? I am jealous of people who have abs cause I don't and I really want some abs xD.

39. Star sign? I am a Capricorn.

40. Middle name(s)? Catherine Elanor. (Jayden Wynter)

41. Worst habit? Biting and licking my lips, staring at pretty girls, cussing, hitting people next to me when I am fuckin furious, and digging my nails into my hand.

42. Number of siblings? One sibling, and 5 other half-siblings, I am adopted.

43. Names of siblings? Thomas is the one I live with and the half-siblings I only know two: Graciella and Israel and there are 5 of them, I am 1 out of 6.

44. Sports you play? Basketball, Football, Soccer, I am not on any teams.

45. Best friend ever? Preston and David.

46. Embarrassing moment? Um, well I threw up all over myself in fifth grade in English, and I don't think I have any others...

47. Future career choice? A forensic anthropologist, yes like Bones, or if that doesn't work out maybe Youtube or singing.

The reason I said I hate my parents is because they are HUGE HOMOPHOBICS and my OWN 'mother' keeps trying to make me think I like guys and that I am straight. I've heard my mom call Preston's cousin and her wife: 'abominations', and I know my mom calls gays and lesbians freaks, so I am really depressed right now and I am having suicidal thoughts. You guys, other than a few of my friends, now know what I am going through, I don't usually tell people because I am an introvert and I feel like I don't matter and that I am just another fucking mistake in life. I just wish I could meet 5H so I can tell them about how them and their videos help me through all this crazy ass bullshit in my life. ANYWAYS, I was tagged by the lovely: Lern_Jergi_97 and I don't know who to tag so... :/

I am also working on the next chapter. Peace!- AJ

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