Chapter Two: Prying Ears

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     Desiree is looking at me. Her brown eyes looking as if she can look through everything, including my soul. Her eyes are full of emotion—pain, sorrow, regret.

     It scares me to think that someone can have so many emotions. I certainly don't like emotions. They're...weak. But I'm a guy, that was what I was raised to believe.

     “I miss Winter,” she says simply. I don't say anything. But we both know I agree. Life has been considerably silent without her. Even though barely anyone notices her in school, she was a big part of our life.


     Desiree and Arianna were already Winter's friends before I came along. I was...not doing so great. A druggie, you can say. But I didn't do drugs because I wanted to, it was because I had to.

     Looking back on it, I realize how stupid I'd been.

     Obviously I didn't need them for survival. But during those dark times, they seemed essential. They were a...gateway. An escape from the cruel world. I was depressed—clinically. That seemed like the only escape.

     My parents went crazy when they found out and threaten to kick me out of the house. I didn't care. Luckily, they didn't kick me out and I continued to do drugs. Marijuana was my main. Though I loved the high, I didn't push as far to Meth. I knew, as insane as I was, that Meth would destroy me completely.

     But then Winter found me. During a cold winter day. Pun intended. Winter found me on winter, the beginning of ninth grade at the time. The sight of me—she found it horrifying. She was...a goody-good girl, as most would say. She seemed bothersome at first. But then she made me see the light in all the darkest I had trapped myself in.

     She was like a light bobbing in the darkness after I had lost my way. Leading me towards light rather then letting me wander blindly in the dark by myself.

     She convinced me to go to a health institute. My parents were thankful. I got therapy, and within a year, I was better.

     Winter then took me under her wing. At first, I was reluctant. I mean, I was better now! For God's sake! I could take care of myself! But then I realized that I actually liked her company. It was easier to be around than most guys, who would poke and prod at your weaknesses and try to up you. It wasn't like a constant competition like usual.

     Winter introduced me to her friends, Desiree and Arianna. They...hated me at first. But then we grew to like each other soon. And Desiree and I soon became a couple. A hate love relationship really.

     Everything in my life was perfect.

     Key word: was. Always the was.

     Winter drew away from us. She talked less often. We thought it was nothing—except for Desiree. And Desiree would only voice these thoughts to me. But I laughed it off. Winter was perfect, she couldn't just fall apart.

     But I was wrong. So wrong.

     Nearing the end of twelfth grade, this is what happens.

     Winter wanted to go to university. She wanted to become an astronomer. But her dreams were shattered. By herself.

     I can't believe that she would...kill herself.

     She got in the university of her choice. She had almost everything. Who cared if she wasn't noticed? But I doubt that was the reason why she killed herself.

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