12. Poe

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I told Tripp I'd meet him at the little convenience mart down from where I live, sadly, he turned down my offer and he is picking me up at my house. I saw his car come up the street and I bolted outside before my folks could see him. They would pitch a fit if they saw me with him and I would never be allowed out again.

Surprisingly, he stopped right in front of me and I got in his car. I looked over at him and he had this devilish luster in his eyes, that made him look quite threatening, but oh so sultry at the same time. Ugh. I need to stop it. He is a loser! He gave me a wicked smile, that tipped me off that we were going to do more than discuss 1984. I got considerably apprehensive at this thought. With a hesitant voice I ask him, "Where are we going to go to study?"

He chuckled under his breath for an instant and unaffectedly announced that he has an little errand to run.

"What do you mean you have an 'errand' to run? What kind of errand is it? How long is it going to take?" I cried.

"You know, little girl, not too long," he smiled sweetly at me. I cringed. Oh God this is going to be bad. I just know it. He is being way to nice and calm and hasn't tried anything since we've been driving. Wait a minute. What the heck? Where am I? I thought to myself. I just realized how long I've been in this car. Its been about a half an hour. And it looks like some sort of ghetto area. He is taking me somewhere to kill me!

We finally pull into this little dilapidated house. Ick. Who would live there?

Tripp turns to me, "Just hang here for a couple of minutes. I'll be back in a sec." Before I could ask him anything he was out the door and bounding towards the frony door to the house. I was so frightened. I made sure all the windows were up and the doors were all locked. Then I scanned the car to see if he had anything I could use as a weapon. No such luck. I assumed he'd have a bat or at least a crowbar in here. The time just ticked away. After about ten minutes I'm so jumpy that any little sound startles me. I held my hands over my mouth so I wouldn't scream. I figured it be best not to call any attention to myself. Another five minutes goes by and I have my eyes shut so tight they start to sting. I hear a little tap tap noise on my window and nearly pee my pants. I opened my eyes to see this homeless looking guy squinting into the window and trying to ask me something. I couldn't hear him because the car was still idling and I had the radio on low. I figured he wanted some money or something and tried to ignore him. He tapped on the window again but instead of trying to talk to me he put his left fist up to his mouth and brought his right hand over his fist and motioned like he was using a lighter. I guess he wanted a lighter. Weird. I shook my head no and ducked down as far as I was able to. Thankfully he left.

About a minute or so after the lighter guy took off I saw Tripp leisurely meandering towards the car.

Tripping: The Wasted Series, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now