31. Poe

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I've been at this stupid halfway house for three days now. I really could care less about any of these people. I used to really like my life. I mean I was boring and predictable and reliable. I used to be a good friend too. My relationship is strained with Lanie. She was a sweetheart and bought me a bunch of new clothes and toiletries and stuff, but she was so distant when she brought them. We barely spoke and within ten minutes she had to go.

I really wanted to ask her if she knew anything about Tripp. I shouldn't care for him because of everything he has done to me. But I really miss him. I thought maybe he would have called me or something. I guess he never cared about me. When we were high he cared. He was so sweet and thoughtful. When we would go out he'd hold doors open for me or just hold my hand.

Coming down was a completely different story. All I ever heard from him is 'we gotta do something to make more money.' Meaning the we was me and I should go prostitute myself out to make twenty bucks for another bag. Sometimes he was so slick with his wording. Saying how I wouldn't be actually sleeping with them. Just you know pleasuring them with my hand or mouth.

One night I was so sick because we had no more dope or money or something to pawn left. He convinced me to go and make a few bucks. Don't ask me what he said or how he put it. I just don't even know how he convinced me into such a horrid and displeasing situation. But, I once again, I was dope sick.


"Little girl. Please." He begged me. For over twenty minutes he was on his knees pleading with me to just give like two or three of his buddies head. Twenty bucks a pop. He said it would be just like sucking his because they would be wearing condoms. I buckled. I couldn't take him begging me and I couldn't take the pain withdrawal was causing me.

"That is a good girl now," he cooed. "Go get cleaned up, little girl and I'll call them up and tell them they are all set. And, baby, no worries, huh? You don't know these guys and the only time you would see them is when they want to get off."

I heard him say that and it really never clicked as to what he actually said. But when I was soaking in the tub I realized that he wanted me to do this more than just tonight. I puked all over myself in the tub.

"Poe, baby, the first one has arrived." Tripp said with a bit of a smirk on his face.

I peeked around the corner and saw this nasty old man standing in the living room. He had long greasy brownish grey hair, hardly any teeth, and was nothing but skin and bones. Oh and, yeah, scares and scabs all over the flesh I could see. I can't do this I thought to myself. I started to shake. My hands would not stop trembling and tears flowed out of my eyes like a waterfall. Tripp came walking over to me, with a satisfied grin on his face, until he saw me shaking and the water display happening. The grin turned into a look of pure and utter rage. "What is wrong with you?" He roared. "I told you to get freshened up and now all your make up is dripping down your chin, when the only thing that should be dripping down is your saliva and his cum!" He went into the bathroom and grabbed the first towel he saw, unfortunately for me because the towel reeked of mildew since it hadn't been washed for a while and the moisture just stays on it constantly from the shower. He started to rub the towel vigorously on my face. Between the smell and the force he used while scrubbing my face, I threw up, again. He was not amused. I begged him not to make me do this. I said I would just puke on the guy and we wouldn't get the money anyways. After about five minutes of me pleading he agreed with me. He said he didn't want to have to pay for someone's dry cleaning. I fell to the floor with relief. Needless to say we were sick for days until we could scrounge up some cash.


I am so bored in this place. All the 'inmates' do, as I like to call them, is play checkers or paint or do some other stupid boring craft that I have no interest in. It is weird, after hanging out with Tripp all the time, through good and bad, I miss it. The lifestyle. Well, maybe lifestyle is the wrong word. I miss the adrenaline rush of the lifestyle. It was dangerous and wrong and illegal. But in the moment it was all so exhilarating. I guess it is what an extreme sports fanatic would feel before they jump off a cliff or something. All the excitement and jitters and feelings all coming at you at one time making the blood in your body bubble in pure delight. Now the most excitement I get is finding out what dinner will be. Due to the fact that the food here is not very good, save for two or three edible meals.

Tripping: The Wasted Series, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now