18. Poe

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I shuffle along the sidewalk towards the park. I see Lanie. All of a sudden I want to burst out crying. What am I doing? I think to myself. Why am I essentially robbing my friend for him? For drugs? I told her I would pay her back but we both know if I did try she wouldn't take it. Ugh. Do I run? Just tell her I don't need the money. The truth? My mind is racing so fast I start to get dizzy. And I faint on the sidewalk.

"Oh God! Oh God! Poe! Poe, wake up!" I hear. It isn't Tripp it is a girl's voice. Where am I? Grass? Huh?

"Poe?" My eyes drift open and I see Lanie staring down at me. "What happened?" I asked confused. She bends down and pulls me up and told me I fainted. Oh right. Money, drugs, Tripp. I almost stumbled but she caught me.

"Oh Poe, you look awful. Have you eaten anything? Is that why you fainted?" She asks with concern in her voice. I actually think about it and in honestly I don't think I have. All I utter is a curt, "No."

"Where is your friend?"

"Oh he, um was too ashamed for you to see him. You know how guys are, right? Macho. Never needed help," I say shrugging it off.

"Sure. Do you want to come with me for some food?" Lanie urged. We haven't talk in ages!"

"Oh no. I can't," I mumbled. We need to go and get this bill paid before the shop closes. And buy some food for the house." I am getting agitated now. I just want to go find Tripp and give him the money and get high. Wow. I never thought I would ever hear or rather think something like that in my life. I always said I would never drink or do drugs. I've seen what they did to a cousin of mine.


My phone rang and it was about 2:30 in the morning. Who is this, I think to myself. I didn't bother looking at the caller ID and just answered. I mumbled out a hello and then I heard heavy breathing. Great. A creepy stalker is after me I think. Right before I hang up I hear a faint help me, Poe and the phone dies. WTF? I looked at my caller ID hoping I knew the number. I sure did. That was my Aunt's house so that must be her son, my cousin, Luc.

For that past year or so Luc had been changing. He used to be so funny and happy all the time. Now it seems like he was moody and distant. No one thought it was drugs. Not Luc! Why would he need drugs? Turned out Luc's best friend started dealing, why, I don't know because he already had money. Luc said his buddy did it for the thrill of it. A total adrenaline rush he said. I guess Luc helped him out occasionally and then more frequently. At first Luc had so much money. He was buying gifts for everyone. Taking girls out anywhere they wanted to go. But about three months after he started dealing he slowly changed. He wasn't taking care of himself. He was skinny and real pale. Always lying about where he was going and started taking money from whoever would give it to him.

Anyway I ran to my parents room and told them I got a call from Luc and he needed help. Mind you I was about 13 at this time. They told me he sure does need help. I looked at them and repeated he just called me now he says he needs help! Don't you think we should go over Auntie's and see if he is okay? My dad said he deserved whatever he got, turned around on his bed and started snoring. My mom said not to worry and go back to bed. I did. Like an idiot I went back to bed. Only to be awoken up at six a.m. by my mother telling me Luc is dead. I knew it was drugs. I don't know what he was taking but I just knew it. About a month in a half after his death the autopsy showed cocaine, heroin, and pot in his system. I was never told anything about the autopsy. I was listening in on my parents and his parents and overheard them talking about it.

That was the day I told myself I would never drink or do drugs. Ever.


Ha. What a joke I am.

After a few minutes in a daze I hear Lanie snapping her fingers at me. "Are you okay? You just zoned for a few." she states.

"Yeah. Yeah. And Lanie... Thanks. I will pay you back." I whispered to her.

"No worries. I love you sweetie! Be careful and help that poor boy okay?" And with that I turned around and walked down the block to his car, opened the passenger side door, leaped in, and tossed the envelop of money to him. He looked in the envelop and grinned. Tripp turned himself towards me, gave me a peck on my cheek, slammed on the gas and we took off to see his (our, I guess) dealer.

Tripping: The Wasted Series, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now