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neymar's p.o.v.

Another party, another girl, another hangover.

"Come on man, not tonight" Dani took my keys out of my hand and put them on the table."All your doing is hurting her more by letting there be pictures of you with other girls all over the internet"

His word's swirled in my drunken brain as I tried to comprehend what he was saying.

"Psh, Alexia doesn't care.She never did." I grabbed the girl's hand and my key's off the table, leading her to my car parked behind the club.The girl was blonde and beautiful, but she was nothing compared to Alexia.

She whispered dirty things in my ear all the way until we got to the car, where she then pushed me against the car and started kissing me.

Right as we were about to get in the car, Dani comes running outside like some hero trying to save the day.Except he's not saving anything, he's ruining it.

He walks over to me and steps in front of the car door, once again taking my key's away.

He looked to the girl wrapped around me and said "I'm so sorry but you need to find someone else to have a one night stand with" She gasped and then let go of me to go back inside.

"What the hell Dani!" I shove him and he shoves me back, causing me to lose my balance and almost fall backwards.

"No, don't 'what the hell' me Neymar. Your only making your situation worse, digging yourself a deeper hole! Do you want her back or not?" he looked me in the eyes and I looked away, knowing everything he was about to say was 100% correct.

"I do, I really do Dani. But she won't take me back, we both know how she is. When she say's she's done she means it" I ran my hand's through my hair and leaned back against my car.

"Well instead of partying every night, you should be showing her that your over that lifestyle.I know your young man but if you love her you gotta grow up." he put his hand on my shoulder and then hugged me.

Every part of me knew he was right, I needed to prove myself to her.The four years we were together I did nothing but party and ignore her.I pulled away from him wiping my face with my hands.

"Yeah, your right. I'm gonna call her."

I took a deep breath then pulled out my phone, dialed her number and let it ring.

It rang once, twice, three time until she answered.

"What Neymar?"

qotd: What's your favorite song? mine's either Corazon Sin Cara by Prince Royce or Needed Me by Rihanna. Make sure to comment yours!

lemme know if you want me to keep writing in Ney's p.o.v ((: as always, thank you for reading and if you liked it make sure to hit the star button. I love you all veryyy much 💘

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