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Alexia's p.o.v.

"Cristiano, what the hell?"

"Did you not get my text? I told you I was coming!"

"Did you not get mine?" I asked keeping Casper back with my foot.

"I did, but I was already like 5 minutes away so there was no point"

"How did you even find out where I live?"

He laughed, "I'm famous Alexia"

Just then Casper got past me and ran out the door and to the gate in front of the house where you could see the feet of the paparazzi and hear their cameras fluttering as they took pictures through the holes.

"Casper, get back here now!"

"I'll get him" Cristiano then went to Casper but Casper wasn't dumb, so he ran past him wagging his tail and to the other side of the fence.

This should be interesting.

I leaned against the door frame watching the paparazzi snap pictures of Cristiano chasing Casper around the entire front yard until he finally got him, picking him up and walking back over to me.

"Aren't you supposed to be the world's fastest soccer player? Or is that Messi?"

He rolled his eyes, handing the dog took me. "Shut up"

I laughed and told him to come in. I walked into the kitchen to get him some water

"You have a nice house for someone who doesn't work" he said from the living room

My mom practically came running downstairs at the sound of a strangers voice. I looked from the kitchen into the living room, watching my mom's expression as she saw Cristiano sitting on our couch.

He immediately stood up, shaking her hand and saying something I couldn't understand. She nodded her head and walked into the kitchen.

"Alexia! Why did you not tell me you were inviting him over? I could've at least cleaned a little better or made some food" even though she was whispering I was sure Cristiano could still hear her from the living room.

"Well mother, it was a surprise to me too"

"Then how di- " she stopped at the sound of Cristiano coming into the kitchen. "I need to go finish my laundry" she said giving me an evil glare.

"Is it even okay that I'm here?" he asked picking up one of the glasses of water off the counter and taking a sip of it.

"Of course. It's not her house anyways"

He nodded his head then jerked his head up. "You never answered when I said you didn't work. So do you?"

"Well I did, and kinda still do but not so much. Most of the money I got to but this house with was from doing interviews and campaigns for Nike when I was with Neymar"

"Oh, well what do you do now?"

"I still model for Nike, just of course, not as much"

He put his glass into the sink and then leaned onto the counter looking at me.

"So to the reason I came here. Your gonna come with me and Junior to Disneyland. And don't even say no because I already worked everything out."

"Cristiano, I don't know. Don't you think that it'll be awkward? We've only just started talking and for me to meet your son this soon. Hell, I didn't even meet Davi until after a year of me and Ney dating. I also didn't travel across the world with him after the three days of actually knowing each other"

He shook his head and crossed his arms.

"But I am not Neymar.Plus Junior has been dying to meet you, I already told him all about you. Just please come?"

I already knew this would be a huge mistake.

"Fine Cristiano."

well considering this chapter is hella short I'm gonna upload like  2 or 3 new chapters today (: but lmfgfgfggfhdbe I'm going to see Mexico play Venezuela And omg I'm so excited I can't 😭😭😭😭

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