Chapter 3

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Amber's POV

Link paid for tickets for the two of us and took off again, Link dragging me behind him.

"Dad, slow down!" I said while laughing.

He stopped running and he crouched down in front of me, his back facing me. What was he doing? His arms reached out behind him and latched onto my legs. Next thing I knew, he was giving me a piggy back ride. He ran all the way to the ferris wheel and then he set me down. The line was long, but we finally made it to the front. A cart lowered in front of us and the man let us in. After a couple of moments, we took off, stopping every few seconds to load more people on. We reached the top and  grabbed Link's hand, feeling slightly scared. He put his arm around me and held me close, placing a kiss upon my head. I leaned my head against him and the wheel moved up. We were now at the very top. The view was breathtaking. The pinks and oranges of the suns rays hit the water in front of us, casting it's warm glow everywhere. 

"It's so beautiful. Thank you so, so much, Dad. Today was amazing!" I said and hugged him.

"Of course, Amber. You deserve it," Link said and the wheel moved again. 

Now we began to actually go around without stopping. The breeze felt so nice as we went up and down around the wheel. After a few minutes we got off. Link grabbed my hand and we walked to some of the games. Link played one where you had to shoot the targets. He got them all down in time and won a large stuffed animal.

"This is for you," he said and handed it to me.

I smiled and thanked him again. We spent a few more hours playing games and going on rides. To end the day, Link got us ice cream, and we sat on the dock eating them. The sound of the water lapping beneath us was so relaxing. I could never thank Link enough for what he had done for me. All the many things he had done for me, like saving my life, adopting me, and spoiling me like this. I was so incredibly grateful and lucky to have him in my life. He was truly amazing. We finished our ice cream and walked back to the car in silence.

As we walked back, Link suddenly stopped.

"Oh dang it. Hey Amber, I kinda have to use the restroom. Go ahead to the car, I'll be back in a second. Sorry!" Link said and threw me the keys as he ran back towards the bathrooms. As I walking back, a hand covered my mouth and someone grabbed my arms, pulling them behind my back.  The stuffed dog Link had won me fell to the ground. I tried to scream, but it was muffled. I felt myself being dragged off towards a running car. I quickly bit the man's hand and then screamed at the top of my lungs.

"Link! Help!" I shouted before the man's hand covered my mouth again.

"Shut up you little brat!" he shouted and threw me into the back of the car. A blindfold was put over my eyes and I felt something hit the back of my head. I immediately blacked out.

Link's POV

I was walking to the bathroom. I hoped they'd let me back in. Amber and I had been the last people there, when they had to close. I walked over to the gate.

"Um, excuse me?" I called out.

A tired teenage girl came over. She didn't seem very happy to see me.

"Can I help you, sir? We just closed," she said and yawned.

"Yeah, um, may I use your restroom?" I asked.

"Sure," she shrugged and opened the gate.

"Thanks so much," I said and was about to step in, when something made me stop dead in my tracks.

"Link! Help!" 

It was Amber. My heart stopped and I turned around to the girl. I told her I had to go and apologized. My heart raced in my chest as I ran at full speed towards the parking lot. Then, I saw her. She was being thrown into the back of a car.

"AMBER!"  I shouted as I sprinted towards the car.

The window opened and the barrel of a gun stuck out. I didn't even stop, I just kept running. Suddenly, a shot rang out and a horrible pain came upon my thigh. I cried out and fell to the ground. Tears spilled out of my eyes as I watched the car with my daughter in it drive away. The only thing I had left of her was the prize I had given to her. I reached over and grabbed it, holding it tightly as I tried to quiet my screams of pain by holding it over my mouth.

"Amber, I'm so sorry," I sobbed. 

My thigh was in such horrible pain. I grit my teeth and screamed in pain again.

"Oh my gosh! Sir, what happened? Are you alright?" I heard a voice say.

I saw the girl from the gate come running over to me. She knelt down next to me and gasped. She looked absolutely terrified and devastated.

"Please, call the police. My daughter was just kidnapped. Then please call an ambulance. I was shot, but call for my daughter first" I said before passing out.

Jenny's POV

 A few tears came to my eyes as I saw the man in such terrible pain. He had been shot, but he wanted me to call the police about his daughter before worrying about him. What a great father he must have been. The man suddenly went limp. Oh goodness, did he just die?! I quickly put my fingers on his neck and sighed when I felt his heart beat. I grabbed my phone and punched in 911.

"911 ,what is your emergency?" a woman asked.

"There's two. A girl was just kidnapped and her father was shot. I don't know how old she is or what she looks like. When I got here, it was only the man. He just fainted. I don't know what to do!" I cried out.

"Calm down, miss. Where are you?"

I told her our location and then she sent someone out. I hung up and tried to calm myself down. I was breathing so rapidly. I was so panicky. I began to pace back and forth. I walked back over to the man. I had been pretty frustrated he had to come back in right after we closed before, but now I felt absolutely terrible for him. I greatly regretted my anger towards him before. He seemed like he was actually a good guy. 

I rolled him over and found the wound on his right thigh. I winced at the sight of all the blood and felt even worse for him. Thankfully, the ambulance and some cops showed up very quickly. The ambulance took away the man, and even though I didn't even know him, I rode along with them. I felt like I should for some reason. The cops followed behind us. I think they had to ask him some questions when he was well enough. Poor guy. I feel so horrible for him. I really hope he's gong to be alright and they can find his daughter soon. 

A New Life: Sequel to AmberOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora