Chapter 49

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Third Person POV

Over the course of the next few days, a lot happened. Link had gotten to know Roger a little better and both realized they really did like each other a lot and enjoyed each other's company. Link loved his nephew, despite the fact that he hated his father. "It was nice to see you again, Roger," Link smiled as he sat on his couch and his nephew gave him a quick hug before saying goodbye and driving home again. Amber came downstairs and ran over to Link.

"Hey Dad, can Cam come over and you can meet him? Please?" Amber looked at her father hopefully and he smiled and nodded. "Yes, thank you! I'll text him. He lives two streets away, so he'll be here soon." Amber smiled and ran off. She texted Cameron and he soon arrived at the house.

"Hey, Mr. Neal. How are you doing? It's great to finally meet you, sir." Cameron smiled and extended his hand. Link returned the smile and shook the boy's hand.

"Doing pretty well. Thank you. And yourself?"

"I'm doing great! I've heard many good things about you, Mr. Neal. Amber won't stop talking about you." Everyone laughed and Amber playfully hit Cameron's arm. That night went well. Cameron was approved to tutor Amber and Link really liked him. Cameron smiled and left pretty late. It had been a good day.

 Life was very busy for Link after that, he had a lot going on with his plan to help Roger. Many phone calls had to be made and he even had to meet up with some people he didn't want to. Like his brother in jail. That meeting didn't go so well.

Link's POV


I walked through the prison halls, following the police officer in front of me. I couldn't go very fast on my crutches, but my wrist had healed and was perfect again. He led me to a room where my brother sat. He was in handcuffs and there were two police officers at his side. The door was opened and I stepped inside. I sat down and set my crutches beside me. "Hello Evan." He barely looked up.


"I don't know if you know why I'm here, but it's about Roger."

"Who?" My anger got stronger and I took a deep breath.

"Your son."

"Of yeah. What about him?"

"I want custody of him. I've spoken to the government and they've approved it. They wanted me to tell you first. I'm going to be adopting your son because you can't be there for him and he needs a father and a mother. I'm going to be getting married before too long. As long as she says yes that is."

"Who would want to marry you? An idiot of course. You will make a worse father than me, Link, but I don't want the kid. Never did. He shouldn't have been born." That made me all the angrier, but I contained myself and calmly replied.

"First of all, Christy is not an idiot. She's the most amazing woman I've met. I'm already a father. I adopted the sweetest girl ever and she loves me very much. And finally, your son is a good kid. He's had it very rough thanks to you, but he wants to change. And I'm going to adopt him and help him with that."

"Whatever. Do what you want. I never cared about you in anyway before and still don't. Whatever will get your stupid face outta here sooner will make me happy. You can adopt him. I don't care. Just leave me outta your life and I'll do the same for you. Get outta here, Link. You know I hate you with every fiber of my being." I closed my eyes and clenched my fists. I took a deep breath and grabbed my crutches, pulling myself onto my feet. 

"I don't hate anyone, Evan. Not even you. I'm going now. Should make you happy. I just thought maybe you'd have changed a little and actually cared about the wellbeing of your son, but I guess not. You're still the brother I wish I never had. The brother I hid from the world. You haven't changed at all. You ruined my childhood and I know that makes you happy. I have OCPD and a few other issues and it's because of you, but thankfully, my childhood was still amazing because of Rhett. He is my brother. Not you. Never you. Rhett is my brother and he always will be. Goodbye, Evan. Don't ruin anyone else. It's really not as great as you think it is." I walked off and sighed once I got out. The officer took me back to Rhett.

"Hey man, how'd it go?"

"Horrible, you would have killed him for some of the things he said to me. I'm still going to be adopting Roger. He can't stop me and legally, I'm allowed to. Can we take care of that now while he's still at school?"

"Yeah, of course. I'm sorry, brother. Let's go." I nodded and Rhett helped me to the car.

"Thank you, Rhett. I was really hoping he'd have changed. I don't know why. I thought maybe he'd have seen what an awful person he was and want to change like Roger. He's the same. Still hates me. And he told me that. He said to me 'You know I hate you with every fiber of my being.' And he called Christy an idiot because I said we're probably getting married soon. He hates me. I don't hate him though. Not really. I don't like him at all, but I don't hate him. I don't hate anyone."

"That's because you are millions of times better than he ever will be. I'm so sorry he said that. You're right, I would've killed him. No one talks like that to my best friend and brother. No one."

We remained silent after that and Rhett pulled into the parking lot of city hall. This is where I have to sign the papers. We walked in and went to the office of the woman who I had contacted. She smiled and shook my hand as well as Rhett's.

"Welcome, Mr. Neal. Glad you could make it. Here are Roger's papers. I'm going to need you to sign here, here, here, and here. And then he'll officially be your son. Thank you for this. The story touched me greatly."

"No, thank you. I really want to help him out as much as I can. He's been through a lot. Just like my daughter, Amber." I smiled a little and signed the papers. "Done."

"Congratulations, Charles. He's your son."

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