Chapter 26

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Link's POV

Tears came to my eyes after what Rhett said. A faint smile spread across my lips. I wanted to smile as widely as possible, but I was just so weak. I slowly lifted my arms up to hug them. Amber leaned down first and hugged me gently. I let my arms slowly hug her small frame. I felt my shoulder getting wet. She was crying. "Hey, Amber, it's alright. Don't cry. I'm gonna be fine. I promise. I'm not leaving you guys either, alright. Amber, I'm really weak right now, I need you to be strong for me. Can you do that?"

"I-I'll try."

"Do or do not, there is no try." Rhett and I both started laughing at the Star Wars reference. My laugh was weak and almost immediately, I started having a coughing fit. Amber jumped back, but grabbed my hand and held it tightly. Rhett knelt down next to her and grabbed my wrist. I kept coughing and coughing. Eventually, I stopped, but now I was wheezing.

"Are you alright, brother? Do you need me to get you something?" Rhett asked in a concerned voice. I nodded and tried to speak.

"N-nurse." My eyes got heavier and were threatening to close. I started coughing very hard again. It hurt way worse this time. I glanced down at my hands and the sight I saw shocked and frightened me. Blood. I started to see spots and got tunnel vision. Rhett was gone, he had run off to get a nurse as soon as I said I needed one. Amber was crying in the chair next to me. She had her knees tucked up to her chest and her head was buried in her hands. I started to feel very woozy and soon, I passed out.

Rhett's POV

I ran through the hospital and found a nurse. "Please, you have to come with me! My friend needs help!" I grabbed her wrist and dragged her back to Link's room. Amber looked up nervously while the nurse ran to Link's bedside. Link looked like he had fainted. I went over to Amber and hugged her tightly. "Amber, what happened? Did he faint?" She took a shaky breath and hugged me back.

"He coughed up blood, and then he fainted. Rhett, what's going on?!?"

"I-I don't really know, Amber. Link's in a lot of pain and is very sick." She started to cry and the nurse walked over to us.

"He needs surgery again," she said sadly, "It appears his lungs are somehow getting infected and we need to treat them. I'm very sorry. I'll go get the doctors. You can have a few minutes with him. I nod and thank the nurse as she leaves. Holding Amber close to me, we walk over to Link's bedside again. His face is twisted in pain. He's still so pale and fragile looking. The bags and dark circles under his eyes are more visible. He looks so awful. We sit down next to him. Just then, Christy and Jessie run in. I get up and hug them tightly. I also kiss Jessie. Jessie sits down on the couch and comforts Amber, while Christy sits down on Link's bedside and grabs his hand.

"Oh Link, my love. Please, you have to be alright. You look so sick, my poor baby! Don't leave me! Please, I love you more than anyone else I've ever been with before. You're so amazing. I love every single thing about you with all my heart. Please, Link, please get well soon! I love you so much more than you could ever know, dear!" Christy is sobbing, but soon pulls herself together as I ask her a favor.

"Christy, would you and Jessie mind going to the waiting room. I need to speak with him alone."

"Of course we will. I am so, so sorry, Rhett. We'll go now." The two women hug Amber and Christy grabs her hand, leading her out of the room. I wait until I see the door close and then kneel down next to Link. I grab his hand and squeeze it tightly. Tears form in my eyes and slowly roll down my cheeks. I take a deep breath as I try to prepare myself to speak. I'm still silently crying, but I somehow manage to talk.

"Hey, Link. I don't know if you heard, but their going to operate on you again. Your lungs are getting infected somehow. That's why you were coughing up blood. Please, brother. Please be alright. I need you so much. I-I can't live without you, Link! Don't leave me, please! I'm afraid I know what's happening and it scares the crap out of me. Your appendix bursting most likely caused your blood to get infected. The infection is fatal. I-I can't lose you, Link! I just can't! You've always been by my side and I by yours. We are a team, a duo! I need you so, so much, Link! My life would be such torture without you! You are my brother, Link and I love you with all my heart! You can't go! You have to make it! I know that this is what's happening. You can't die, Link. You just can't. You should have a very, very long time before that happens! So many people need you, but me more than anyone. Please, Link, please. I just can't lose you, brother! Don't leave me!" I completely break down in sobs. I squeeze your hand tighter as I sob uncontrollably. 

The door opens and the doctors and nurses step in. They pull me away. I try to fight back, I need to hold you. They're taking me away from you. I can't control myself, I'm having a breakdown!

Third person POV

Rhett starts to kick and scream, trying to break free from the strong grip of the doctors, forcing him to stay away from his best friend, his brother. Three male doctors force him down on the floor and hold him steady as best as they can while he fights back as much as he can while sobbing. "NO, NO LINK! HE CAN'T DIE! DON'T YOU TAKE HIM FROM ME!!!!" Rhett screamed at the top of his lungs as a few nurses wheeled Link away. Rhett still fought with all his might. 

"Quick, Janet, we need an anesthetic before this guy hurts himself or someone else. Just to knock him out for a few minutes! Hurry!" one of the doctors yelled. Janet, a nurse, ran out of the room and soon ran back with a tank and mask. She put the mask on Rhett's face as the doctors still held  him down. Within a few seconds, he stopped fighting and went limp. The doctors picked him up and moved him to the waiting room with Jessie, Christy, and Amber. They explained the situation and left. 

Rhett woke up a few minutes later and began to cry very hard again. He wished with all his heart his brother would be alright, but he knew that wouldn't be the case.

A New Life: Sequel to AmberWhere stories live. Discover now