Chapter 17

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Link's POV

"Link, I know you can hear me. Brother, I just want you to get better. I-I really miss you. Amber does too. Everyone  you know does. Christy's on her way. She should be here soon. I called Jessie too. I hope you don't mind me holding your hand, but I thought under the circumstances, it would be normal and maybe even help you. Amber wanted to know if she could get a prosthetic finger. They couldn't reattach her's, but she could get a prosthetic. She wanted to ask you. If you want her to, please give me a sign. Can you see me?" Rhett asked. He sounded hopeless and sad. I tried to give him a sign that Amber could get the finger and that yes, I can see him, but I couldn't do anything. I was trying so hard, but I couldn't do a thing. I just laid there, motionless. The coma seemed to be getting deeper.

Rhett started to cry. He was basically sobbing while holding my hand. I appreciated the fact that he was doing that. It helped me emotionally. My head ached horribly. I just wanted all of this to be over. I wanted to be there for Amber. Just after I got her back, this happened. I felt so awful. Rhett still cried and I tried to either grasp his hand or moan, but I couldn't. My body just would not work. I heard and saw the door open. There stood my beautiful girlfriend, Christy. She looked devastated and she remained frozen in the doorway for quite some time, before she finally stepped forward. She sat at the end of my bed. I wanted to kiss her so badly. Hug her and tell her I was alright, but I could do nothing. Even though my eyes were closed, I could still somehow see almost perfectly. Though my vision was getting more and more clouded every second. Things were blurred a bit and sound was muffled, but my senses were still there, they were just weaker than before.

Christy leaned forward and rubbed Rhett's back gently as he sobbed, still tightly clutching my hand in his. She asked him if he was alright in a soft, gentle voice. His head shot up and he looked at her sadly. He shook his head before it dropped down into his hand again. He began talking with her. He talked about everything Amber and I have gone through. He was getting out all the pent up emotions he had hidden throughout this whole event. He sounded so broken. He said he called my parents and that they were coming. It would be so good to see them again, even though I couldn't really show them I knew they were there. Rhett and Christy talked for quite a long time, but soon, my vision got completely dark and I lost all consciousness. Something was not right. I think it's getting deeper. This was not a good sign. Not at all.

Rhett's POV

Back to where the chapter before the last left off. Link's POV has been a flashback from since he fell into the coma. It's present time now.

A nurse came into the room. She smiled sadly and went over to check on Link. She looked upset before turning back to us. "He's in it even deeper now. Before, he could probably see and hear you, but now, nothing. It's just blackness. He isn't conscious at all. I'm going to get the doctor, this is not good news. I'm so sorry." She ran out of the room. 

"Oh no, this is not good! He could at least hear me and could feel before. He squeezed my hand and moaned a few times. This is not  good. Link, come on, brother. I know you can pull through this. You're so strong. You have to hear me, brother. Use your senses. Wake up, brother! Just wake up!" I shouted at him. 

The nurse and some doctors ran back in. The doctors immediately went to Link and gave him more oxygen. They started going crazy, hooking more and more machines up to him. "He's on life support now. I think we're losing him." The doctor's started doing everything they could to wake him. He was going to die soon if they didn't. Amber, Christy, Jessie and I began to cry. The others sobbed, and I wanted to, but I had to remain strong for them. I was trying to hold back the tears, but I couldn't. The doctors started using a defibrillators on him. He just wasn't getting any better.

I was scared, well scared isn't the right word, more like terrified. I prayed that he might wake up. Somehow, someway. Basically, I needed a miracle right now.  Nothing else would save him. Darkness was surrounding me. There was no light in this situation. The next time I leave this room, my best friend will be dead. I'm losing him. I never thought it would be this way or so soon. My best friend is dying. Link is dying. Link is dying.

 The heart monitor's beeping was slowing. Full on sobs were now escaping my lips as the tears fell in an endless waterfall down my cheek, getting trapped in my beard. My best friend was dying and there was nothing I could do to save him. His last words would be "Catch me, I'm going to faint."I couldn't do this. I fell to my knees and sobbed out loud. I prayed with every fiber of my being, begging God to bring him back. Not to let him die this young. 

Link's POV

Darkness. All around me, nothing but darkness. No sounds, no sight, no feeling. Nothing. There was nothing. I felt nothing. Everything was silent. I couldn't feel any pain, yet I somehow knew what was happening. This was it. This was the end of Charles Lincoln Neal III. I didn't want it to end this way. I wanted to be able to see and hear my loved ones. My parents weren't even here. I'm dying. This is the end. I can't even use my senses in the slightest. A sudden pain in my chest told me that it was coming very, very soon. Dear God, please have mercy on my soul. I've tried my best to serve you. Please keep my loved ones safe and comforted. Thank you for all the good times I've had and for all the blessings that have been bestowed on me in this life. It's time for me to leave here and see you, isn't it? At least there are some people up there I love waiting for me. Please, keep Amber, Rhett, my parents, Louis, Jessie, the beasts, all my family and friends, keep them safe. Don't let them be too saddened by me being gone. I love you God. Amen. 

A sharp pain came to my chest and I felt my heart getting weaker and weaker. Soon, it would not be able to sustain my life anymore. Breathing hurt. My lungs screamed for air, but at the same time, they couldn't get it in. They were struggling to bring in the oxygen. They were failing. This is really it now. I only have a few seconds left before it's all over. I've had good times. I was so blessed. If I weren't in this coma, I'd be screaming in pain. My thoughts are shutting down. I can't think anymore. It hurts too much.

Rhett's POV

Dear God, please, please don't let him die. He has so much more life to live. He's been a good man, we've both always remained close to you. Please don't take him just yet. I know you want him to be in heaven with you, but please, not so soon. People still need him down here. Please, let him wake up. Please, Dear Lord! I love you, please! I can't live without him! You know how much I love him. Please, I'm begging you, don't take him. Let him live!

Suddenly, something happened. Something that made the dark curtain of death and anguish closing around me suddenly rip away revealing a bright spotlight of hope and life, he shot up. Link was sitting up in the bed, his eyes wide. His chest heaved up and down as oxygen filled his lungs to capacity before the carbon dioxide was released back into the mix of gases in our atmosphere. He put a hand on his chest and slowed his breathing. His bright blue eyes traveled all around the room, studying the faces of those surrounding him with a confused expression.  He opened his mouth to speak, but before he could utter even the shortest of words, my arms were tightly wrapped around him. Tears continued to pour forth from my eyes relentlessly, yet this time, they were tears of joy. He was alive, he was awake. God had saved him at the last second. 

"Thank you, Lord."

Alright, I have an announcement that you may not be very happy about. My sister's coming to visit for about a week and a half, so I want to spend most of my time with her. So, I'm going to be taking a break from wattpad. I'm sorry, but I needed a break and now is a convenient time. I should be able to release a new chapter on July 12. I'll still try to read your books and stay updated, but there won't be any updates in this book until the 12. Sorry guys, but I really need this. I may update sometime during the break, but don't get your hopes up.



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