Chapter 37

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Rhett's POV 

I teared up and leaned down. I hugged Link gently. "Thank you, brother. Thank you so very much. That means a whole heck of a lot to me. Thank you... And the same to you." I said through my tears. He smiled and carefully put one arm around my back.

"You're very welcome, Rhett." He smiled weakly and then closed his eyes. He wrinkled his eyebrows together and rubbed his forehead. I placed my hand on his shoulder.

"Link, you alright? What's wrong?"

"My head, it's pounding. I'm okay. It's from the concussion." Link stopped talking for a second and looked up at me with a confused expression. "Rhett, what's going on? Where are we? Why am I wrapped up like a mummy at a hospital?" He looked slightly scared. Oh no, memory loss. I need to find out the extent.

"Link, you were trying to save Amber. She rolled her ankle and couldn't get down part of the mountain. You carried her down, but slipped at one point. I got Amber down safely and was about to go up and help you, but you fell. You have a concussion, lots of stitches, broke a rib, your wrist, and your leg. And it appears you now have memory loss. What's the last thing you remember, Link?"

"Rhett, who in the world is Amber? Our old girlfriend? We haven't seen her in years." My eyes went wide and I shook my head.

"Link, tell me you're joking. You don't know who Amber is?" Link smirked.

"She's my daughter, Rhett. You think I could forget her?"Link laughed slightly. I sighed and chuckled.

"Man, if you weren't in a lot of pain right now, I'd have punched you for that. No, I wouldn't do that, but don't scare me like that! Gosh!"

"I'm sorry, dude. I-I wasn't joking though. I did forget for a second. My brain's a little jumbled up right now. That happened before. When I first fell and you came running over, I couldn't remember anything, but then it came back again. I-I'm scared, Rhett. What's going on in my head?" Link's eyes teared up slightly. I sighed, immediately feeling bad for getting slightly upset with him. He was crying now. I carefully slipped off his glasses and set them on the table. I gently grabbed his wrist and he slipped it down to his hand as he cried. He squeezed my hand tightly. He spoke through his tears"Rhett... it hurts... It hurts so bad." He squeezed his eyes shut tightly as he continued to cry in pain and fear. "A-and I'm so scared... Why am I so scared?? I-I don't even know of what, but I'm terrified!"

I leaned down and gently hugged Link again, trying not to hurt him. He hugged me back with both arms and cried on my shoulder. I didn't know what was going on. It must have to do with his concussion, it's affecting his emotions and he's in a lot of pain. "Link, Link, you gotta take a deep breath. Everything's okay. I know you're hurting and scared, but you don't need to be scared. It's okay, you're safe. I'm right here for you and I'm gonna keep you safe. I promise you I will always do that. Don't be scared, you're okay." He hugged me a little tighter and kept crying on my shoulder. My shirt was getting soaked, but it didn't bother me. I was always going to be there for Link. He needs me right now.

"Rhett, I-I can't stop being scared or crying. Why is this happening? What's going on in my head? I'm just so, so petrified right now!"

"It's alright, buddy. Take all the time you need to calm down. I'm here for you. Don't worry. You have a concussion, and it must be affecting your emotions. It's okay. You're getting better now. You're healing, slowly, but surely. Everything's okay, brother. Deep breaths. You're alright. You're alright." Link took a shaky breath and slowly let it out. He was still crying, but he wasn't sobbing anymore. That's a good sign. I gently rubbed his back, even though he probably couldn't feel it through all the bandages wrapped around his torso. He took one last shaky breath and I carefully released him from the hug, leaning him back onto his bed. 

His eyes were tightly closed as he tried to stop crying. His shoulder still shook as the tears fell. He bit his lip and opened his red, puffy eyes. He looked at me and then closed them again, starting to cry harder once more. He lifted his arm without the cast and covered his eyes as he cried. I wrapped my arms around him again and he sobbed into my shirt. He was really bad off. I hope this passes soon. It's so hard seeing him like this. No words were spoken, there was nothing else left so say. He just had to calm down in his own time, there wasn't much I could do except be here for him and comfort him. Clearly, he did some damage to that part of the brain. He wouldn't be scared to death and sobbing right now if he hadn't.

I gently rubbed his back again and sighed. He was falling apart in my arms. My best friend, my brother, was having a sort of breakdown, and there was basically nothing I could do to help him. He wasn't going to stop crying anytime soon, I can tell. "Shh... everything's alright, Link. I'll be right back. I'm gonna get you a water bottle. There's a vending machine a couple halls away. I passed it on the way here. I'll be right back." I let go of him and was about to stand up, but he grabbed my wrist and held it tightly, staring into my eyes with fear.

"R-Rhett, please don't leave me. Not right now. I-I need you. Don't go. Don't leave me all alone." I sat back down and hugged him again, not letting him go.

"Al-alright, brother. I won't go. I'm gonna stay right here with you. I'm never going to leave you. Ever. I promise."

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