Chapter 19

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Amber's POV

I sat down and began to think. What should I do celebrate my birthday? I got up and went to the fridge, opening the door and pulling out an old brownie. Mrs. Jonathan, the sweet old lady next door, had made them for us the whole time Link was recovering. Every week, she'd be over with another plate of delicious homemade brownies. They were delicious, but the rate she gave them to us made them pile up in our refrigerator. She acted like a grandmother to Link. She was such a sweetheart.

I placed the candle in the center of the dried out brownie and lit it. I whispered Happy Birthday to myself and made a wish. I wished that today would be the best birthday I've ever had. I knew that without a doubt, it would be. There was no one there to hurt me and make me serve them this year. Just a man who loved me greatly. I cleaned up the brownie, throwing it away and then went to the TV. I hooked up my laptop to the HDMI cable and began to play my music. I had become the biggest fan of Rhett and Link's music. I laughed and danced, singing along to every song in the playlist of their music videos. I was having a great time. That's when the phone rang, and what was said to me caused me great fear and panic. I had to go now!

Link's POV

"Alright everyone, let's get this party ready. We need to put up the balloons streamers, get the cake and drinks ready, presents over on the far table. We've got a lot to do for this party, but before we get started, I just wanted to thank each and everyone of you. You didn't have to do any of this for my daughter's birthday, but you all are. You are the most amazing group of people I've gotten to work with. Thank you all so much. She's had it rough in the past, let's make this an incredible birthday she'll never forget!"

Everyone ran off, doing every little thing they could to get this place ready. Around twelve would be the start of the party. It was 9:30 now. While everyone else was setting up, I was writing a heartfelt card to Amber. I wanted her to know how much she really means to me. I felt bad that everyone else was running around, while I was sitting in my office, basically relaxing. After a while, I was very happy with the card and I got up. I helped Chase blow up balloons and attach them to the wall by the streamers. Then, I helped Jen set up the music, picking all of Amber's favorite songs and making the playlist. "Hey Link!" Rhett shouted for me. My eyes scanned the room for him but he wasn't there.

"Yeah Rhett?"

"Could I get some help bringing all these presents?"

"Sure, man. One minute and I'll be there." I finished the playlist and attached the ipod to the speakers. It was 11:15, forty-five minutes left. Mike and Alex were hooking up the colored lights and put up a fake disco ball as well. I really hope she likes this. Stevie was ordering the pizzas and Drew was on his way to pick them up. Papa John's Pizza, my favorite as well as Amber's, was a bit of a drive, so he had left as soon as Stevie ordered them. I found Rhett leaning against the doorframe, his eyes on his phone's screen. He noticed me and looked up with a smile. He put his hand on my shoulder.

"Link, I think it's so great that you're doing all this for her. She's going to have the time of her life," Rhett smiled. I smiled back.

"I certainly hope she does. Let's get moving. We've still got plenty to do!" I laughed and we went out to the van where everyone had been storing the gifts they had gotten for Amber. Time flew by and slowly everything was ready. We had everyone but me move their cars behind the building. To get Amber here, we were going to have me call. I was going to tell her I had gotten into some sort of accident at the building after everyone else had gone out to lunch. I hated making her worry, but that can be one of the greatest ways to throw a surprise party. She would have a great time, I hope. 

We turned out all the lights and I grabbed my cellphone. I called home and soon enough, she answered.

"Hey Link, everything alright?"

"Amber, I fell down the stairs at Mythical Entertainment. I don't need an ambulance, but I can't get up. Everyone went out to lunch, but I stayed back. The power went out and I tripped and fell. D-do you know the way here?"

"Yes, do you need me to come?" She sounded so scared. I think my acting was working. I tried to sound like I was in great pain.

"Please, ride your bike here. I think I'm going to faint." I with that. I dropped the phone and pretended to faint. I listened.

"Link? Link? Oh no, I-I'm on my way. I'll be there as soon as I can!" She hung up. Now, we wait.

Amber's POV

Tears stung my eyes as I sped on my bike down the shoulder of the busy LA streets. Link was badly hurt. I needed to help him. I pumped my legs as fast as I could, sending my bike propelling down the familiar way as fast as possible. Within fifteen minutes of pushing myself to go as fast as my body would take me, I arrived. I wiped away my tears and ran to the front door, leaving my bike in the middle of the parking lot. I opened the door and called out.

"Link! Link! I'm here. Where are you?" My heart beat in my chest at a very high rate. I was a little lightheaded, but I ignored it, Link needed me. Then, the lights turned on and the whole crew, along with Link, Rhett, Christy, and Jessie jumped out yelling 'Surprise! Happy birthday!" The tears began to fall, but they were tears of joy. He hadn't forgotten at all! How could I ever think he could? He's Link, he wouldn't forget! Link ran over to me and pulled me into a tight hug. 

"Sorry for scaring you like that and making you think I had forgotten your birthday. Happy birthday, baby. I love you so, so much." Link continued hugging me and I cried on his shoulder. No one had ever thrown me a surprise party. This was amazing. I heard my favorite songs by a few different artists, mostly Rhett and Link, begin to play. The lights turned off again, but they were replaced with bright colorful lights instead. This was incredible. I couldn't believe they had done all of this for me.  I let go of Link and hugged everyone. One at a time, I gave everyone a hug and told them how grateful I was.

"Of course, Freckles. We were happy to help out and set this party up. Now, go and have fun. We only have one day, so let's make it the best day you've had yet!" Rhett smiled down at me and took me to the food table, filling my plate with pizza and chips. He grabbed a drink for me and I sat down. Link sat next to me and we said grace before digging into the meat and cheesy goodness. Hours flew by. I was in pure bliss. I couldn't believe they had gone to all this work for me. We began to open presents. I got a lot of clothes and jewelry. As well as drawing pencils, a drawing notebook, paint brushes, paint, and several canvases. Link got me a new phone and ipod. Then, he grabbed a card. He handed it to me and I opened it. It was handmade, by Link. The message inside was so heartfelt.

My Dearest Amber,

From the moment I first saw you, I wanted nothing more than to help you: to see you smile. I could tell in just that one little moment I saw you, that life was tough for you. You weren't getting what you deserved. Since then, so much has happened. Things that I never thought I'd have happen in my life, but if it meant you were going to be part of my life forever, I'd go through the pain and torment I went through again. Amber, you mean the world to me. I've never loved anyone as much as I love you. Don't tell anyone else that, they'd be jealous. Everyday I get to see you smile and I know that this is the girl I adopted. This is my daughter and I love her with all my heart. I need to protect her, and I know I've failed at that too many times already and I will never forgive myself for that. I know I'm not the perfect father, but you're the perfect daughter. I don't deserve you, Amber, but here you are anyway, a permanent part of my life. I love you, Amber, so, so much more than you could even imagine. I want you to have an amazing day today. This is your day. The day you fully entered the world. This is your fourteenth birthday Amber Grace Neal and I love you.

With all the love my heart has to offer. Happy birthday, Amber.

Love, Link.

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