Chapter 18

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Rhett's POV

Tears continued streaming from my eyes in a relentless waterfall. So many emotions were going through my body right now. Happiness, joy, relief, comfort. I held Link tighter than I had ever done before. I couldn't believe how close we were to losing him. I never wanted to let go, for fear of losing him. The tears began to slow, yet they still fell when I let go and moved back a bit. Link smiled at me, but I could tell he was very confused. "W-what happened? Why is everyone crying?" I laughed a little and sat down in the chair next to his bed. I ran my fingers through my hair and laughed again, wiping away the tears that were still slowly trickling down my face and into my beard. 

"Link, you almost died. You even flatlined for a while, it's an actual miracle that you're alive. You should be dead right now, but you're not. We came so close to losing you, you have no idea, brother. But you made it, you pulled through and for that, I am a very, very happy man." Before I could say another word, Amber ran forward and tackled Link in a tight embrace. 

"Link, you scared me so much! I thought I'd be without the man that has saved my life so many times. Link, I love you so, so much more than you could ever imagine! I thought I'd never see you again. Don't scare me like that anymore!" Link laughed at this and kissed Amber's head. 

"Amber, I can imagine the love you have for me, because I feel the same way, if you multiplied it by one hundred! I love you so, so much too! I'm sorry I scared you, but I couldn't exactly help it. But I'm here now, everything's alright. Oh, and yes you may get that prosthetic finger. You didn't have to wait for me to say yes."

"H-how did you know about the finger? You were in a coma, and no one told you just now." She looked confused and her brow furrowed. Link smiled.

"Sure I was in a coma, but I could still see and hear. Rhett told me. We talked while I was out. Well, he talked, I moaned and squeezed his hand. I'll tell you all about what it's like later, when I'm home."

Time Skip: Four months later 

Narrator: Link healed completely in a few days and was sent home. Amber got her prosthetic finger attached a few days later. It worked perfectly and looked just like her old one. She started back at school and caught up with the rest of the class very quickly. Her grades skyrocketed and she went from C's and D's to A's. Today was Amber's fourteenth birthday. It was April 2nd, 2016. Little did she know the plans Link had set up for her. Today was going to be a great day.

Amber's: POV

I had the day off today, we were still on Easter/Spring break. I stretched and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes as the bright and warm sunlight streamed through my curtains, making the dark shadows of night fade away into the morning light. Today was my fourteenth birthday. April 2nd. I yawned again and smiled. Fourteen. Wow. All my birthdays before Link, the person I loved most in this world, were just awful. Nothing special was done, ever. No presents, no parties, no cake, or balloons. It was just another horrible day with the monsters that used to be called my parents. Like every other day, they'd beat me and make me cater to their every want. I'd have to fend for myself. On my thirteenth birthday, I found some money I had somehow earned or found on the ground, I can't quite remember. After school, I went to the bakery on the way home, and bought myself a cupcake. I brought it home in a small, brown paper bag with the bakery's name and logo printed on it. I hid it in my room, but before I could take even the smallest bite of the delicious cake and frosting creation known as a cupcake, my parents had found it and beat me for it. They said I stole it. They beat the heck out of me that night. I'll never forget the pain and sadness I experienced that day. The tears that fell from my eyes were forever burned into my memory. I shuttered at the thought of that night, but soon, it left my head. Today was going to be different. Even if Link didn't remember, which I expected, I'd still celebrate by myself without a thought of punishment or pain. Life was different now. Link took care of me and unlike the previous people who 'took care of me', he actually loved me and wanted to make me happy. 

I stretched one more time and hopped out of bed. I grabbed some clothes and ran off to the bathroom to take a shower. I finished taking the shower and fussed with my hair in the bathroom, taking much more time than necessary. I heard a knock on the door and a groggy voice. "Amber, you almost done?" It was Link. I smiled and opened the door. He stood there, with just pajama pants on. His hair was all over the place. I stepped out of the bathroom. "All done. You look tired." He laughed and hugged me. 

"Morning, Amber. Sorry, I'm not a morning person until I've had some coffee. Sleep well?"

"Like a baby. And you?"

"Yeah, I did. Thanks. Well, I'm going to take a shower. I'll be around a half an hour. Still have to fix my hair. It's going gray, can you tell?" 

"A little, but it looks good on you. Don't worry. The beasts will love you just the same. It's pretty hard to tell too. They love you no matter what, Link. Don't be afraid to let them see those cute little gray hairs." I laughed and shook my head at myself. Link ruffled my hair and smiled.

"Thanks, hon. See you pretty soon." He closed the door and I went downstairs. I started to make some coffee for Link. I couldn't stand it, but I knew he loved it. I grabbed my phone and began to watch yesterday's GMM. I hadn't seen it yet. Rhett and Link sat there for 11 minutes in silence. I turned on the captions and laughed at the outrageous things they said. I ended up watching both GMM and GMMore, they were both just silence. After finishing them, I heard the shower stop. I got up and grabbed two bowls and spoons, milk, and Frosted Mini Wheats. Then, I got a GMM mug and filled it with coffee, just the way Link liked it. Cream, and one package of Stevia. I set up the table and poured the cereal. I heard the door to the bathroom open and Link coming down the stairs. I poured the milk over the cereal and sat down just before he stepped into the kitchen. "Amber, you did this for me? You're so thoughtful. Thanks, hon. I love you." He hugged me tightly and sat down.

"Love you too, Link. I wanted to have breakfast with you before you went to work." I smiled and we said grace before digging into the sweet cereal. I had fallen in love with Frosted Mini Wheats ever since Link introduced them to me several months ago. We finished eating and Link offered to take me to Mythical Entertainment with him. I declined and he let me stay home. He said if I needed anything, just call him. I hugged him once more and he left. He didn't seem to remember my birthday, but that was fine with me. He had already done too much for me. I didn't need anything else to be happy. My life was already a millions times better than I could have even dreamed five months ago.

Link's POV

As soon as I pulled into MythEnt, everyone ran out. We decided to spend the day planning the surprise birthday party for Amber. This was going to be great. She's going to love tonight! I can't wait to see her face. Today was her birthday, and I was going to make it one she'd never forget!

 Hey guys! It's been a while. My sister is out with a friend today, so I thought I'd write and release a chapter. I said there was a possibility of there being one during my break. Hope you enjoyed this chapter! And yes, I made myself exactly one day older than Amber. Don't forget to leave a comment and a vote. I really appreciate you guys more than you could ever know. I'm so excited! I'm at 97 followers! I'm so close to 100! This is crazy! Thank you guys so much! You're the best! I'm still on break, but there will be a new chapter sometime on the 12th. Not sure when, but I'll try to get it out for you guys. Thank you all so much! <3



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