Chapter 5

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Amber's POV

The van stopped moving and the doors flung open. A tall man, but not as tall as Rhett, grabbed me roughly. He slung me over his shoulder and carried me inside. My wrists and ankles had been tightly bound. We were in some sort of abandoned warehouse. I was leaned against the wall and gagged. Tears began to fall from my eyes again. Were they going to kill me but more importantly, is Link alright? I was so scared. I continued to cry as the thoughts of what was going to happen to me ran through my head like a hurricane.

"Shut up you little brat! Just stop your little sniveling, it'll get you no where!" one of the men yelled at me.

This caused me to cry even harder. I tried with all my might to stop, but I couldn't the tears just kept flowing no matter how hard I tried to stop them. The man turned around, his expression fierce. He quickly walked over to me and crouched down. He roughly grabbed my face and forced me to look at him.

"Listen here, kid. When I tell you to do something, you better listen, or there will be consequences. Alright?" he asked. I quickly nodded. Then, he did something I didn't expect. He slapped me across the face. My cheek stung and tears brimmed my eyes, but I forced them back.

"That was only a little taste of what will happen when you don't obey, brat," he said and stalked back off to the other man.

Dear God, please help me make it through this alive. And please help Link. He really needs it, Lord.

Link's POV

A Few Days Later

There had been no news on Amber's whereabouts. I was home now, my leg had been getting better, but I still had to be in a wheel chair. The second time I've been in a wheel chair since I knew Amber. I slightly chuckled at the thought, but soon, I began to cry. The house seemed so empty without her soft giggling. Her gentle voice was no where to be heard. I let my head fall back as the tears trickled down my cheeks and neck. My shoulders shook as I sobbed.

"Why dear Lord? Why is she gone? What did she ever do to deserve all of this?" I asked aloud.

My sobbing stopped abruptly as the phone began to ring. I wheeled over to it and picked it up.

H-hello?" I said nervously. This could be her kidnapper.

"Neal?" a gruff man's voice said sternly. It had to be him. Anger and fear boiled up in me. I had to contact the police as soon as  was off with this monster.

"Y-yes," I stuttered. Darn, my nerves were really shining through.

"If you want the kid back, we expect half a million in two weeks. Otherwise, she's a goner," he said and hung up.

My hands shook as I hung up the phone. Half a million?! Where do I get that kind of money? I took off my glasses and ran my fingers through my dark hair. I swallowed hard before grabbing the phone again. I dialed the police station and waited for the phone to be answered.


"H-hi, may I please speak with Officer Dolenz?"

"Of course, let me put you through to her."

"Hello?" Officer Dolenz said. She was one of the officers that had questioned me in the hospital a few days back.

"Officer Dolenz, it's Charles Neal. They just called me," I said softly trying not to cry.

"Thank you for telling me. I'll see if I can try tracking the number, but chances are, he called from a phone booth. How much did he ask for?" she asked.

"Half a million," I said.

"That's a lot, but thankfully, he didn't ask for more. We'll try to get the money, but we'll try to set up a trap, so you'll get Amber back without wasting the money, but we'll continue looking in the mean time. Hang in there, Mr. Neal. We're working as hard as we can to find her," Officer Dolenz said.

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