Chapter 11

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Amber's POV

Tears stung my eyes as the young woman drove down the street. I looked down at my left hand and saw the missing finger. It hurt like heck and I know it's infected. I was saved, but I was in so much pain and so traumatized by what happened, I couldn't stop the tears from flowing. My stomach growled loudly, I hadn't eaten for a few days. I was so scared before, I didn't even realize how starving I was. 

"Are you hungry, dear?" Jenny asked. I nodded my head, but didn't say a word. "Alright, I'll go to a drive thru. Is Wendy's fine?" I nodded again. 

The car turned into the drive thru at Wendy's. Jenny must have noticed I didn't feel like talking, so she just ordered a large double cheeseburger meal for me. I would never be able to eat that much food normally, but I needed a lot now. I thanked her quietly. "Of course, Amber. You need it. Are you sure you're alright?"

"Y-yeah. H-how did you find me?" I asked as I ate my food. She sighed.

"Well, promise you'll trust me even after I tell you this?" 

"I promise," I said confusedly.

"Alright, the men are my brothers. Jared and Cole. I'm not going to take you back to them. I promise. I'm going to get you home. Please trust me, I'm only here to help. I'm not like my brothers. I'm really not. I promise."

"I believe you. Thank you for saving me. They would have killed me if my dad couldn't come up with the money by Friday. Thank you for saving me before they could hurt me anymore," I said and looked down at my hand again. It looked awful. I couldn't believe I was actually missing a finger. This would most likely be a permanent thing. I don't think they could sew it back on with this infection eating away at my flesh.

"I'm so sorry, Amber. I really am. You're such a sweet girl. I don't know if I should take you to the police or your home. I suppose the police would be best. I know you want to see your family again, but I think I need to take you to the police first. Then maybe the hospital. I'm sorry," Jenny said and kept driving.

She pulled into the police station after several minutes. We got out and she grabbed my right hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. She smiled and I tried my best to reciprocate, but I didn't feel happy at all. We walked in and to the man behind the desk. 

"How may I help you, ladies?" he asked.

"I found a girl who had been kidnapped. Amber Neal," Jenny said.

"Oh wow, okay, let me get the officer who was in charge of that case. You may go see her in that office," he said and pointed. 

"Thank you," Jenny said and walked off, still holding my hand. We walked into the office and a woman turned around.

"You found her! Oh my gosh, Amber, your father has been so worried. We've been looking everywhere for you. I'll call him right now. Then, I'll need to ask you both some questions. It's so amazing to see you well and alive. Wait, your finger. Did they...?"

"Yes, they cut it off and gave it to Link. I think it's infected," I said quietly.

"Oh goodness, you're right. We'll send you to the hospital as soon as we're able to. Let me call your dad. One second and I'll be right with you," she said and dialed the number.



"No, this is Rhett, his best friend. Link's not able to talk right now. He fainted. Um... I don't really know how to say this, but he got something horrible in the mail..."

"I know. When Link wakes up, tell him to come to the police station ASAP."

"Wait, how do you kn-"

She hung up the phone. She began to ask us questions and did so until a certain someone walked through the door.

Rhett's POV

"Wait, how do you know" *click * She had hung up on me. I sighed and went back over to Link. I hope this call had been about at least something good happening. Link really couldn't take much more bad news. It was too much for the poor guy. I sat down on the end of the couch and noticed Link waking up. He shot up and looked at me, tears filled his eyes and they began to spill out. He leaned forward and wrapped his arms around my back. I accepted the hug and held him close to me, letting him cry into my chest. Neither of us said a word. We knew exactly what the other was thinking, so there was no reason to say it. After about ten minutes of Link sobbing, he pulled away. 

"I-I'm sorry," he stuttered.

"No, don't be. Anyone who has gone through what you have would react the same way, if not worse. You're so strong, Link. I know you don't think you are, but you really are. When you're alright, the police station called. They said we had to come up there as soon as possible. She didn't tell me why. Are you alright to go?" I asked.

He nodded and we stood up. We walked to the car and I drove down to the police station. The whole way, no one spoke a word. Link stared at his hands and fidgeted with his thumbs. He was very nervous about what they were going to say. I pulled into the driveway and parked. 

"You ready?" I asked.

"I think I need one more minute. I'm so scared that what they have to say is bad news. Do they know about... her finger?" Link choked out.

"Yeah, they do. Don't worry, Link. I'm sure everything will be fine. Just hang in there, brother. It may be good news. You never know."

We both got out after Link calmed down a bit. We walked to the front desk. "Rhett McLaughlin and Link Neal. We were called for."

"Ah yes, just right in that office." The man pointed and I thanked him. Link's face was tear stained and his eyes were still red and puffy. I hadn't realized how pale and thin he was before. I really hope this is good news, Link's body and wellbeing can't stand more bad news. We opened the door and stepped in.

"Amber!" Link shouted and wrapped the small, thin, pale girl in a tight hug. She was home. She was safe.

No, the story is not almost over, silly. Amber and Link still have plenty more life to go through together and I'll be writing that. This was just a small chapter in her life. There's quite a bit more more to come. So don't go away!

Wanted to give a couple of shout outs to a couple people that deserve them. linklamont2 and KawaiiLink37. Both of these girls are good friends of mine and are very talented. Give their books your support, please. They really both deserve way more than they've gotten. And also a shout out to my amazing friend, Mythical-Nerd00. She is really talented and she's so sweet. Please give all her many amazing books a read. You won't regret reading any of these awesome girls' incredibly great books! :D

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