Chapter 50

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(That's supposed to be Roger.)

Roger's POV

I walked out of school with Amber and Cameron. We've become pretty close friends which was an amazing thing for me. I felt my phone buzz and I saw it was a text from Uncle Link.

Link: "Can you come home with Amber today? I'm in the parking lot, but I need to talk to you when we get to my house."

"What's Dad want?" Amber chuckled and looked over.

"Apparently, I'm going to your house today. That's fine with me, cuz." He smirked.

"Ooh have fun! It's a nice place. I met her Dad recently and he let me start tutoring Amber. It's been great!" Cameron smiled. "Well, I gotta get going, guys. See you tomorrow!" Cameron smiled again and ran off. I smirked and followed Amber to Uncle Link's car. Rhett was driving it and Link was in the passenger seat.

"Hey guys! How was school today?" Uncle Link turned around and smiled as Rhett started to drive away.

"It was great, Dad! Had a lot of fun with Cam and Roger." She smiled and turned to me. "You're turn, cuz." I laughed and smiled.

"Thanks, Amber. It was a good day. Thanks for letting me come over." Uncle Link nodded and smiled.

"Yeah, of course. Things have been busy, but you'll be spending a lot more time at our house from now on." He smiled at that comment, but kept looking forward at the road.

Link's POV

Rhett, Christy, Jessie, and I had all worked together these past few days and made a room for him. We already had one, but it needed to be painted and have furniture in it. Today, we had moved all of his belongings into the room. We had painted it a few days ago. Now we just needed to get home and I'd tell him he was adopted. He's changed so much in just these few days. He's an amazing kid, and has become very close to all of us. I don't regret this decision at all. Know of us do. He fits right in.

We made small talk the rest of the way home and finally pulled into the driveway. "Wow, this is a nice place! I somehow forgot what it looked like. I've been here before. Bad memory." Roger shrugged while chuckling and got out.

"Thanks, Roger." I smiled back and with Rhett's help, got back into the house. "Roger, there's something very important I need to tell you." I sat down and set my crutches to the side. "Today was a very busy day and I signed some papers and it's now official. You are my son. I adopted you today. Welcome to your new home, Roger Anthony Neal." I smiled as I watched his eyes go wide.

"U-Uncle Link-" I interrupted him.

"Dad." I chuckled a little.

"Dad, I-I can't believe this! You adopted me! You actually adopted me?! I'm going to be living in this amazing house with you and Amber? What?! Oh my gosh. Thank you, Dad!! Thank you so much! You've turned me around from where I once was in such little time. Thank you! You are an incredible person!" He smiled so widely and run forward and tackled me in a tight hug. I laughed and hugged him back tightly. 

"You're welcome, Roger. So, so welcome. I'm so happy and proud to call you my son from now on. You will never have to see my brother/ your birth father again. Life is going to be good from now on." 

One month later. Christy's Birthday. (Still Link's POV)

This was it. The big day. Christy's 38th birthday and the day I propose to her. My leg healed up completely and so did my rib. It was like nothing had ever happened. Like most teenagers, Roger sleeps very late. Amber was already awake by the time I stumbled down the stairs, and she was about to explode with excitement. She had known about this for a few weeks now and couldn't be any happier. My family was expanding so quickly. It was incredible. I chuckled and sipped my coffee as the fourteen year old girl was bouncing off the walls. Roger came down shortly after me, his dark hair a mess that fell in front of his bright blue eyes. He looked a lot like me. Well, he looked like my brother, who looked like me.

"Good morning, Roger." I smiled as he sat down next to me.

"Morning, Dad. Hey, do you think from now on, you can call me Anthony. I kinda hate the name Roger and you go by a nickname for your middle name, so it should make sense to you." He smirked and grabbed himself a mug of coffee. 

"Yeah, of course, Anthony. Gonna have to get used to that, but I definitely will. Hey Amber, call your brother Anthony from now on, okay sweetie?" Amber turned around and smiled at me. She set aside her book and nodded.

"Got it. Anthony. Not Roger. Good, I didn't really like Roger as much. It sounds like a grumpy, fat, old guy." We all laughed at that.

"Yeah, it does," Anthony nodded his agreement. "So Dad, you excited to propose tonight?" Roger smiled and brushed his hair out of his eyes.

"Yes, but very nervous as well. I mean, she's gonna say yes. I know that, but it's still nerve wracking." I chuckled a little and shrugged.

"Aw, you'll do great. Don't worry." He smirked and sipped his coffee. He had the same smirk as me. I smiled at that.

"Thanks, Anth." He nodded and chuckled.

The hours dragged on and finally, it was time to go. I wore a gray suit and a black shirt underneath with no tie. The ring was in my pocket and Christy was in the car beside me. We already had dinner and I was now driving her home. When we kissed goodnight at her door, I plan to propose then. "Link, sweetheart, you alright? You're so lost in thought. What's going through that head of yours?" Christy smiled and put her hand on my knee.

"Oh, just thinking about you and how much I love you. Looks like we're here. I had an amazing time with you tonight, Christy. I love you... So much." She smiled.

"I love you too, Link." We both got out and I walked her to the door. This is it. She turned towards me and just like Rhett, I took both of her hands and got down on one knee. I reached into my pocket and pulled out the ring.

"Christine Michelle White, in the span of time we've known each other, I have fallen in love with you so deeply

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"Christine Michelle White, in the span of time we've known each other, I have fallen in love with you so deeply. You are the most amazing woman in the world and you make me so happy with every second we're together. You've already been a wonderful motherly figure to both Amber and Anthony and I love you with all my heart and soul. I never thought I'd find someone. I'm 37, not a young man anymore. We're not old, but I thought I would have found the one much sooner, but I didn't. God may have had me wait a long time, but it was completely worth it for you. He lead me to you and you are the one. Christy, will you give me the honor of putting this engagement ring on your finger and becoming my wife? I love you with all my heart, soul, mind, and body."

Her eyes were filled with tears and she hugged me so tightly. "Oh yes! Yes, yes, yes, yes! I have waited for this day for so long and on my birthday of all days! You are amazing, Charles Lincoln Neal III and I love you with every fiber of my being! Yes, of course I will marry you!" We smiled and kissed for what seemed to be forever. I slipped the ring onto her finger and one onto mine.

"I love you, Christy. I love my life. My daughter, my son, my best friend and brother, my job. Everything in my life is absolutely amazing and I am so blessed. My life is incredible, and no one could ever convince me of anything different."

                                                                   THE END

Well, it's over. Hope it didn't seem rushed. We made it and I want to thank you all for being with me on this journey. This was very fun to write and I can't believe it's over. Thank you all for your support and I'll see you soon with Monsters Are Real. I hope I'll see you, that is ;) A lot happened in this past few chapters, but it was very fun to write. I hope you all have an amazing day! Thank you so very, very much!



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