Chapter 45

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Time Skip to Monday. (Sorry for all the time skips. I'm trying to wrap this story up before long.)

Amber's POV

I'm going to school for the first time since I met Dad. He's still at the hospital, but he should be home in two days. I miss him so badly, especially right now. I really need him. I'm so scared to go back to school. It was never fun. I had no friends and everyone hated my guts or ignored me. Christy remained silent as we drove to the school building. It's been so long since I've been there because of everything that's happened. I have a lot of catching up to do. I'm pretty sure I'll have to work into the summer.

Christy pulled the car in front of the old brick building. I took a deep breath and licked my dry, cracked lips. Christy put her hand on my shoulder and I turned around and looked at her. She smiled comfortingly and kissed the top of my head. She was such a motherly figure to me and I hope one day she will be my mom. She would make an amazing mom to me and wife to Dad. He loves her so much and she loves him too. "Sweetheart, don't be nervous, I bet you'll go in there and find the Rhett to your Link." She smiled at that and I smiled back slightly. 

"Just do your best. I know you're a very smart girl. You'll catch up in no time and ignore any bullies. They're idiots with nothing better to do than make fun of anyone they can. You can do this. You're a Neal, Amber. Make your dad proud of you. It's gonna be just fine." I smiled a little again and nodded. I forced myself to swallow. I took a deep breath and nodded.

"Thank you, Christy. That really helps a lot. I have to go. Thank you again. I... I love you." Christy smiled and hugged me.

"I love you too, Amber. Have a good day!" I smiled and got out of her car. The sky was a dismal gray and small drops of water sprinkled from the threatening clouds above. Not a single ray of sunshine peaked through the dark cotton balls in the sky. Not a single ray of warmth and happiness was able to penetrate the dark shield of the depressing hours that laid in front of me. I stared at the pavement dotted with splashes of water. The sounds of laughter filled my ears as I looked up. Dozens of kids were talking and laughing with their friends. No one paid any attention to me, the 5'1" One hundred, two pound fourteen year old with scars painted across her exposed arms. 

I self-consciously pulled the sleeves of the my GMM hoodie down and put on my hood as the rain slightly picked up. The water falling from the heavens was cold, despite the fact that we were in LA. There was nothing happy seeming about the atmosphere here. I knew today wouldn't be a good day for me. As I trudged up the stairs towards the door, I heard a boy shouting. "Hey, Roger! Give it back! Come on, man!" He sounded upset and I turned around. The boy was taller than me, but he wasn't tall either. A tall, muscular boy, I'm presuming Roger, was holding his homework above his head.

"Nope. Only if you promise to do my homework for the rest of the year. Otherwise, this is getting ripped up, little man." The taller boy held the paper higher and get ready to rip it up. Anger boiled up in me and I charged for the tall boy. I slammed into him and knocked him over. He dropped the paper and the other boy grabbed it and ran. The tall boy's face was red with fury. He grabbed my hair and I screamed in pain. He yanked it hard and tears flooded to my eyes. He grabbed my face and forced me to look at him. "Listen, you little brat, I'm letting you off easy this time, but don't you ever, EVER mess with me. Get outta here." He let go of me and pushed me away. I fell onto the pavement and he walked away.

I groaned and opened my eyes. I was immediately met with a pair of bright green eyes. I jerked back and groaned again. I felt one hand grab my left arm and the other slip under my right armpit. I was carefully lifted to my feet. I blinked a few times and saw the boy from before. He had a sheepish smile and a mop of wavy dirty blonde hair. The same piercing emerald green eyes were surrounded by freckles. He stuck out his hand and smirked. "H-hey, I'm Cameron. It's nice to meet you. Thank you for saving me back there. I'm sorry for not sticking up for you. I-I'm a coward..." I laughed slightly and shook his hand.

"It's fine, Cameron. That was nothing compared to what I've been through. I'm used to it at this point. I'm alright. Don't worry. It's nice to meet you. I'm Amber." He smiled.

"Nice to meet you too. What's your first class today?"

"Um... I think it's algebra. What about you?"

"Same! That's cool! Can I see your schedule? Maybe we've got more classes together. That'd be awesome." I smiled and handed him the schedule. "No way! We've got everything together! I've never seen that before. That's awesome. Thanks again. Sorry about the fact that you're used to this. You seem like a really nice girl." I smiled.

"Thanks, Cameron. It's alright. It's mostly over. I was abused by my parents, but they were arrested and the most amazing man ever adopted me. I love him so much. He's the best dad ever." I smiled as I thought about Dad. I think I've just made a friend. Dad will be happy to hear that when I see him after school.

"Oh no, I'm so sorry about your actual parents, but I'm glad someone good is in your life now. Well, we have class soon and we don't want to be late. We should probably get going. It's still raining out here too." We both laughed at that and I looked up. It was raining, but a small glimmer of sunshine was peaking through. I smiled at that and walked in behind Cameron.

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