Chapter 24

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Rhett's POV

Rain poured down on the windshield in heavy torrents. The normally bright and sunny California sky was almost pitch black with the storm clouds above. Lightning shot across the sky and was immediately followed by a loud crack of thunder. My tears echoed the rain, unending, constantly pouring out of their source.  Amber soundly slept beside me, she looked calm and relaxed, a feeling I desperately longed for, but would not return until my best friend was safe and well again. The sorrow and worry came in tidal waves; it would subside for a mere moment before it all crashed down on me again, nearly drowning me. 

In a combination of both the weather and my own inability to properly function while I was falling apart like this, I pulled over at the side of the road. My head fell into my hands again as the constant sobbing got harder. Why did bad things have to keep happening to him? He is such a good person. He never deserved any of this. I swallowed hard and wiped away some tears before pulling out my phone. I had to let Christy know. 

Hey Christy, sorry to bother you, but it's pretty urgent. Link's in the hospital. He has the worst case of appendicitis they've ever seen. He's been in surgery for hours. They've been trying to remove his appendix, but his body reacts badly every time they try. We waited for hours to be able to see him, but they told us there was no way he'd be well enough to be seen today. We still don't know for certain if we'll be able to see him tomorrow. I just thought I'd let you know.

I sent off the message and leaned my head back on the seat. Amber shuffled in her sleep, but soon her eyes opened and she met mine. She blinked a couple times and looked at her surroundings confusedly. "Where are we, Rhett? Where's Dad? Is he alright? What happened? Why are we pulled over?" She looked scared and greatly puzzled. I took a deep breath and forced myself to stop crying. I pulled myself together before attempting to answer her.

"We're going home. To your home. Link's still in the hospital. He has a very bad case of appendicitis and wouldn't be well enough for us to see him today. We're pulled over because of this awful weather and my inability to properly function while falling apart like I am." The tears began to fall again and I just couldn't stop them. My best friend was in such awful pain and they couldn't help him without his body reacting badly. If they didn't get out his appendix soon, it'd burst, causing a possibly fatal infection. I couldn't bear the thought of Link dying. Not so soon. He's still way too young. I heard Amber crying next to me and I wrapped my arm around her tightly. I felt my phone buzz in my pocket and grabbed it with my free hand. It was a reply from Christy.

"Oh gosh. Oh no. This is just awful! Is he going to be alright? Is he in much pain? Rhett, I'm so scared! What's going to happen to him?"

I continued to hug Amber tightly with one arm and texted Christy with the other. It wasn't easy to text while sobbing and with your weaker hand, but I still did. She had to know immediately. The suspense must be so awful.

"I don't know if he's going to be alright yet, but I wish I did. He's in surgery right now, but before he was in unbearable pain. I don't know what's going to happen, but I pray they'll get it out without is bursting first. That might lead to a fatal infection. Christy, I'm honestly scared out of my wits. I couldn't function without him. He's always been there, I can't lose him. I just can't."

Amber started to shake as her crying got harder. I set down my phone and hugged her with both arms tightly. "Rhett, will he be okay?" Amber looked up at me, her red and puffy eyes started to fill with hope. A hope that I would have to crush with the words I had to say. I wasn't going to lie to her. She was too old to believe that and I just couldn't bring myself to tell a lie to her.

"Amber, I wish with all my heart I could tell you he will, but I can't. I don't know if he will, but it's leaning towards the negative. I am so, so sorry. This is so hard on me too. Believe me." And I was right. The fleeting hope in her eyes was crushed out by the hard truth of my words. Her eyes filled with tears again that soon came spilling out and she buried her face in my shirt as she sobbed heavily. I rubbed her back as she cried. I wish I could be strong and comfort her, but I just can't. I felt so weak and vulnerable right now. Why can't I just calm down?  I couldn't calm down at all. I don't think I've ever been this afraid before. I wanted to be there with him so badly. I wanted to hug him as tight as I could and never let go, but I couldn't. There was no way I could see him today and it wasn't certain I could tomorrow either. I had to tell the crew. We'd have to end the season much earlier than expected. There was no way I'd be able to bring myself to making episodes while Link's suffering in the hospital. 

I grabbed my phone again and started a group chat with the crew. 

"Hey everyone. Very bad news. Link's in the hospital right now. He has the worst case of appendicitis they've ever seen. He's been in surgery for hours. They're trying to remove his appendix before it bursts, but every time they try, his body reacts badly and they can't. I'm afraid his appendix will probably burst, which will most likely lead to a fatal infection in his blood. As a result of this, we're going to have to end the season once all the pre-filmed episodes run out. When I'm in better shape emotionally, I'll make a video explaining this and give them the reasons. Thoughts and prayers would be so greatly appreciated. He really needs them now."

As soon as I had sent the text message, my phone started ringing. It was the hospital.

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