Chapter 9

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Third person POV

Tears stung Link's  eyes as the therapist's words replayed in his head over and over. The voice in your head is a form of anxiety. By what you told me, it's basically saying that you are not fit to be a father. This means that you actually believe that and if you are doubting your own ability to father this girl, it will cripple your ability to do it, therefore, the voice, in this circumstance, is right. You are not able to father her.

The therapist said this, but there was more. She told Link that because he believed he couldn't be a good parent to Amber, he wasn't able to. When people don't believe they can do something, that often becomes true. They tell themselves they can't do it and without even knowing they force themselves not to be able to. The therapist had said this to Link, but as soon as he heard that the voice was right, that he couldn't father Amber, emotions welled up in him and he stopped listening. As soon as the time was up, he left. The therapist meant no harm. She had told him what was going on and before she could explain how to fix this, he had stopped listening.

Rhett shifted uncomfortably as he drove. He sensed the anger and frustration radiating from Link. He wanted to talk to him, find out what happened, but Link didn't seem to be in any mood to talk. They pulled into Link's driveway and Link left without a word. Rhett sighed and rubbed his eyes. He went into Link's house and saw him lying on the couch. He sat down at the other end.

"Link, do you want to tell me what happened?" Rhett asked gently.

"I-I don't know, Rhett. I'm sorry. I suppose I should. She told me I couldn't father Amber correctly. She said the voice was right, Rhett. Even a therapist is telling me I'm a horrible human being. She's right, the voice is  right. Why do you even bother sticking around with me? You deserve so much better than me, Rhett," Link sighed.

Rhett's eyes went wide and his heart felt like it had been stabbed with an icicle. He took a second to process everything. Link had to be misinterpreting whatever she had said. He couldn't imagine someone who's supposed to help people saying that. He cleared his throat and took a deep slow breath, slowly letting it out before speaking. 

"Link, I have a feeling you misunderstood her or something. I know, at least, that she didn't tell you you are a horrible human being. I know that for certain. Why do I bother sticking around with you? Because I love you, Link. You're the best friend I've ever had or ever will have. I could never replace you. I  don't deserve you, Link. There's no one out there that I'd rather have be my best friend and brother. The voice is wrong, Link and so is whatever you think the therapist said. I won't make you go back, at least not to her. Never forget what I said, brother. Never forget that, ever," Rhett said and gave Link a tight hug.

Link cried on his shoulder and nodded. "Thank you, brother. As you can probably tell, I'm really not myself. I don't have as much control over my mind and emotions as I used to. Hopefully when Amber's back, I'll be normal. I can't stand the feeling of knowing my daughter is out there. She could be hurt and there's nothing I can do about it. There's no worse feeling than that. At least, not that I've experienced yet," Link said softly. 

Every time he thought about Amber, his heart ached more and more. He couldn't bear the thought of her not being safe, not knowing if she would be home soon or if she was okay. He longed to hold her in his arms. For her smile that made the whole world brightened up. Her laugh at the stupid things he did. Her hugs. He missed it all so much and it hurt his heart unbearably not to know where she was. He just wanted her home again, safe and sound in his embrace.

Amber lied still on the cold floor of the closet. She heard voices outside her door and soon enough it was opened. She sat up quickly and looked at her captures. One of the men approached her. She squeezed her eyes shut and felt herself being picked up.

"Come on, kid. It's time to prove to your dad you're really here," the man said.

Amber's heart froze and her chest ached. Her lungs screamed for air, causing her to realize that in her panic and shock, she had stopped breathing. She gasped, letting the hot air into her lungs. Tears formed in her eyes, but she wouldn't cry. She knew what would happen if she did. They would hurt her again if she cried. They took her to a table and chair and sat her down. She know what was about to happen. She had heard about this before. They were going to cut off a finger or toe and send it to Link to prove they had her and that if he didn't give them the money by a certain time, they'd kill her. One man held her down firmly by the shoulders while the other grabbed a rag to gag her. He tied it around her mouth tightly and she wanted to cry so badly. The fear building in her more and more every single moment that slowly ticked by. The man that had gagged her grabbed a pair of wire cutters and grabbed her left pinky finger. She squeezed her eyes closed and began to silently pray.

"Ready, brat?" he sneered and laughed. The other man joined him in laughing. Amber couldn't believe how cruel and evil these men were. They were heartless. They found it funny that she was terrified about having her finger cut off. She ignored them and felt a sudden horrible pain. She let out what would have been a bloodcurdling scream if she hadn't been gagged. It was worse than anything she had ever felt. Using all of her courage, her eyes slowly opened and met the bloodied stump on her hand. Blood gushed out from the wound like a waterfall. She slowly drew her attention elsewhere. There, on the floor, was her severed finger. Her eyes closed and she fell unconscious.

Yes, this chapter was early, but I am going to be busy tomorrow morning, so I'm releasing it now. The next update will be on Friday as planned. Thanks.



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