Chapter 27

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Rhett's POV

My tears have all dried up. There are no more left to cry. We've been waiting for two hours. When will he get out? When can we see him? What's going on? Will he be alright? So many questions ran through my head. I was getting a nasty headache from it all. I was just so confused. I wanted all my questions answered and I wanted Link to be alright. I couldn't wrap my head around the fact that this was actually happening. His appendix burst and now he has an infection. One that I think is fatal. Every time I think about that, my heart aches more and more. It feels like it's been stabbed with an icicle. It's a sharp and cold pain that bursts through my heart. He could be dying. My best friend, my brother, may be dying right now. 

No, no, he isn't! He can't! Not so soon. Please, no! My brain was so confused. Was he dying or am I just overreacting? I just wanted him to be alright. Why did this have to happen? Hasn't he been through enough already? My thoughts were interrupted by the doctor walking out. "Charles has an infection in his blood. It's fatal. This happens a lot when patient's appendixes burst. We can still save him though. If we are able to find a compatible blood type to give him a transfusion. We haven't found anyone yet, but we're trying."

Amber looked up. "W-we have the same blood type." The doctor turned and raised his eyebrows.

"Do you really. Have you gotten a blood transfusion in the last year?" He looked a little excited, but Amber didn't anymore. Her face fell when he asked that question.

"Y-yeah, I did. Dad or Charles gave me his blood." She looked sad and she sighed.

"I'm afraid we can't then. I'm very sorry."

"Wait, you don't have to have the exact same blood type, right. There are other compatible ones he could have, aren't there?" I asked. I thought I remembered that my blood type was compatible with every other blood type.

"Yes, what blood type are you?"

"O positive."

"We can take you. O is compatible with all blood types. Do you want to do this, sir? There's a huge chance you won't live. He needs a lot of blood to survive."

"I'll do anything to save his life." I don't care if I die. I'd do it to save Link's life. 

"Alright, then come with me. We'll start the procedure as soon as possible. You can talk to him while we get ready. He can't talk back, but you can tell him anything. He's awake."

"Alright, thank you, Doctor," I said and followed him into a room. He had me change into a gown and lead me to Link's room.  I thanked him and stepped in. I gasped when I saw Link. He was as pale and frail looking as a sheet of tissue paper. His lips were chapped and there were even darker circles under his eyes. I went over to him and knelt by his bedside, tears in my eyes. I grabbed his cold hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. His eyes opened and slowly made their way to me. I smiled sadly at him. "Hey brother, I hear you need a blood transfusion to save your life. Well, the found someone compatible. Me. I'm giving you my blood, brother because that's what we are, blood brothers," I smiled through my tears again, "Are you in much pain?" 

His head slowly nodded and he squeezed my hand. Tears filled his eyes and he shook his head slowly. "Don't you worry about me, Link. I'm gonna be fine. I want to do this, man. It's the only way to save you. I'll be fine, brother. I promise." He shook his head again and the tears started to fall.

Link's POV (Any dialogue said by Link is what he is thinking. He can't talk. Back to the story!)

 "No, Rhett. Please don't. Blood transfusions can be dangerous. I need too much blood. You'd die!" I wish he could hear me. The only way I could communicate was my body movements and crying. Even moving was hard. My body is so, so weak. Everything is in horrible pain right now. Especially my gut and lungs. Breathing really hurts, but I can't stop. I'd die.

I'm crying pretty hard at this point. Not because of the pain, I can live with that, but because Rhett will die if he does this, and I can't live without him. I squeeze his hand tighter as I cry even harder. "Link, Link, please stop crying. What's wrong, brother? Is it the pain?" Rhett's eyes were filled with tears and were very wide. He looked so devastated. I slowly shook my head and lifted a finger. I pointed at him and cried harder.

He furrowed his eyebrows and then they raised. He understood what was bothering me so much. "Don't worry about me, Link. I'm gonna be okay." He looked at me with such sorrow. I slowly shook my head again. I grabbed a pen and paper from the table and began to write. My hands were so weak, the writing looked awful, but it was still legible. It read: 'No, you won't. I need too much blood. There's no way you can live and be missing that much blood. Don't do it, man. They'll find someone else. Please, don't do it, I can't live without you!' The paper had tear drops all over it and I shakily handed it to him.

He sighed as he read it and looked up at me. "I know. I'm going to die to save you. The Bible has a quote: 'Greater love has no man than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.' That's what I'm doing for you. I love you, brother. So much. Never forget that. I want you to live. I'm doing this.' I started to sob, but it was silent, my vocal chords wouldn't work. I opened my arms to hug him and he did so, tightly. Rhett was a stubborn man. There'd be no turning him back after he made a decision. I sobbed on his shoulder. I can't lose him. I can't let him do this. I need him. He can't die! I won't let him.

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