Chapter 22

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Amber's POV

I stretched and rolled over to look at my clock. It was 11:36. Geez, it's late. My curtains were closed, they had plunged the room in darkness and were keeping out the sunlight. Basically, it was very dark in my room. I took off my covers and was about to step off the bed, when I saw a large shape on my floor. I almost screamed, until I recognized it. It was Link, he had somehow fallen asleep on my floor. By the position he was lying in, it looked like he had probably just collapsed and immediately fallen asleep. I couldn't hold back my laughter, it came out in an uncontrollable fit. Link's head slowly moved and he lifted himself up very slowly. He looked at me and said, "What?" He began to laugh too.

"How did you manage to fall asleep on my floor, Dad?"

"We got home really late. I carried you up here, tucked you in, and was about to go to my own room, but I sort of fell from exhaustion and fell asleep right here. Your carpet's pretty nice." We both started laughing again. I got up and offered Link my hand.He accepted it and stood up, towering over me as usual. I'm very short. I'm only 5'1", he's 6'0". "Thanks for the help. Wow, it's late! I was supposed to be at MythEnt two and a half hours ago!"

Link reached into his pocket, he was still wearing the clothes from yesterday, and pulled out his phone. He scrolled through text after text, all asking where he was. The later ones asked if he was okay. Then, we heard the door open downstairs, and heard Rhett shouting. "Link! Link! Are you alright?"

"We're upstairs! In Amber's room!" We heard the sound of running and soon saw the gentle giant standing in the doorway. 

"Link, what's going on? Where were you? And why didn't you answer our texts?"

"Rhett, please calm down. I'm sorry to have worried you. We got home really late. Traffic was horrible. I meant to set the alarm, but I collapsed in exhaustion before I could even get to my own room. I just woke up. I'm sorry I forgot." Rhett sighed and began to laugh.

"You have no idea how worried we were. We thought you'd gotten into an accident. I came here before going to the police, but we were almost ready to do that. Don't ever scare me like that again!" 

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. I haven't even taken a shower or anything. Could you text the crew that everything's fine?"

"Sure thing. I'll wait for you to be ready and take you in. I'll just be downstairs." Rhett smiled and left. 

"I'm gonna go take a shower. Want to come to work today?" Link asked me.

"Sure, I'd love to!"

"Great. The crew loves you! They think you're the best!" I laughed and Link gave me a hug. "Never said good morning today." I hugged him back and smiled.

"Morning Dad." He let go and I got dressed. I went downstairs and found Rhett sitting on the couch, on his phone. He turned around when he heard me come down and smiled.

"Morning, Freckles. Come here, I want to know how that concert was." I smiled and sat down next to him on the couch.

"It was phenomenal. I loved it so much! They played some of my favorites like Heathens, Stressed Out, Car Radio, Ride, Goner,  Addict With Pen, Lane Boy, Polarize, and Fairly Local. As well as some others I really like, Migraine and Blasphemy. I loved the show so much! And Dad somehow got front row center seats! I couldn't believe it! Those sold out months ago and were really expensive!"

"So, I think what I gathered here is that you had fun."

"Well, duh!" We both we laughing. I heard the shower stop. Everything was quiet for a while, Rhett and I were just talking about whatever, when we heard a loud thump and a cry of pain. Link. Rhett immediately shot up in his seat and ran to find out what happened. I was right on his heels as we ran to the bathroom.

"Amber, let me go first and tell you if it's safe to look. He may not be fully dressed yet."

"A-alright." I was scared, very scared. Rhett tried opening the door, but it was locked. 

"Link, can you unlock the door? I'm going to help you." There was no reply, just a loud groan of pain. Rhett turned and looked at me. "D-do you have a bobby pin I could use to pick the lock?"

"Yeah, right here." I pulled one out of my hair and handed it to Rhett. He thaned me and shoved it through the hole. Soon, the lock clicked. Rhett stepped into the room and told me I could come in. Link was fully dressed, but he lie on the floor breathing heavily and clutching his stomach. He was crying as well. He cried out in pain again and looked up at us. Rhett knelt down beside Link and put his hand on his shoulder. 

"Link, what is it, brother? What's wrong?" Rhett sounded afraid. I didn't blame him, I was terrified.

"M-my st-stomach. Sharp pain. Ahhhh!" Link's voice clearly showed he was in terrible pain. 

"Amber, please call 911. He needs an ambulance."

I quickly did as Rhett asked and dialed the number. I was crying, but I pulled myself together. I told the operator everything we knew and an ambulance was dispatched right away. I went back into the bathroom and found Rhett cradling Link. My heart shattered at the sight. Link was crying so hard from the pain and Rhett was crying because his best friend was suffering very badly. Rhett smoothed down Link's hair in the back and was trying to comfort him. "Shh, Link. Everything's alright. They're coming and they're going to help you. It's alright, brother, I'm right here." 

Link quickly pulled away and leaned over the toilet. He vomited several times and started to cry even harder. He clutched his stomach and fell back into Rhett. His eyes squeezed shut in pain and he grabbed one of Rhett's hands and held it tightly. Rhett went back to trying to comfort him. Soon, the door opened and we heard running. "We're upstairs!" I shouted to the paramedics. They soon ran up with a stretcher and strapped Link to it. They let us ride in the back on the way to the hospital. I was so scared. What was going on?

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