Chapter 46

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Amber's POV

School wasn't easy. That's an understatement, it was nearly impossible. After missing so much, I couldn't even understand what we were talking about. I had so much catching up to do. Thankfully, my new friend, Cameron, is a super genius. He's trying to help me and it's working. Day one wasn't awful. I still had two and a half more months of this and then any make up work. As we were walking out, Cameron spoke up. "You know, Amber. I'd be happy to tutor you. I mean, if it's alright with your dad. I could come over to your house and we can work together and get you caught up in no time!" He smiled and I returned it.

"Thanks, Cam. I'll have to ask him. He won't be home for two more days. He's in the hospital. I don't think he'll mind, but he may start turning into an over-protective dad." We both laughed.

"I love that you called me Cam. No one's done that before. I've always been Cameron, but I like Cam. You can call me that. And I'm really sorry about your dad. What happened? Is he alright?"

"Thanks. He's getting better. We were hiking on a mountain and he fell. Broke a rib, his wrist, and his leg. Also got a concussion. He's been there for about a week already. His girlfriend has been staying over and taking care of me. Thankfully, his best friend has been with him almost twenty-four/seven. He's a great guy. He's basically like a second dad/uncle to me." I smiled again and Cam did slightly.

"That's great, but I'm so sorry it happened. I'll be praying for a quick recovery. Well, I gotta get going. My mom's waiting. Have a good day. Oh, and here's my number. Give me a call if your dad will let me tutor you. Have a good day! Tell your dad I said 'Hi.' He seems like a great guy." Cameron smiled and waved before running off. I smiled and walked over to Christy's car as she pulled in. She smiled back as I opened the door and got in.

"Hey Amber! You're smiley! Have a good day?" Christy continued to smile as she started to drive to the hospital.

"Yeah, I did. It started out pretty awful, but it quickly got better. I made a friend. His name is Cameron, but I call him Cam. He's so sweet and very smart. He helped me with some of my make up work, and he offered to tutor me. He wants me to ask dad if he'd be allowed to, so I'm going to do that. We actually have all the same classes together thankfully. I may have found the Rhett to my Link. I'm pretty sure I did at least." I smiled again and saw Christy was as well.

"That's great to hear, sweetheart! I'm so happy! I hope Link will let him tutor you. He sounds like a very nice boy."

"He is. I can't wait to see Dad again. I've missed him so much!"

"Yeah, me too, Amber. I called Rhett before, he said Link was sleeping. He had another emotional outburst and was sobbing. That was a few hours ago. I haven't checked on them since. I'm sure he's awake at this point."

"I thought Dad's emotion thing stopped..."

"Mostly. He doesn't have random outbursts for no reason now. He's still healing, sweetheart. Instead, now sometimes when he's emotional, it's much stronger than it should be. Doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Rhett said he was a little sad, but he couldn't control himself and was just sobbing. He's getting better. These are much less frequent and the doctor says tomorrow should be the very last day it happens. I'm positive he's fine right now." Christy smiled comfortingly at me for a second and then turned back to the road. 

The rest of the trip was spent in silence. We got to the hospital and went to Link's room. He smiled when he saw us. "Amber, Christy! You came. It's about time. Amber sweetheart, how was the first day back at school?" He stretched out both arms with a smile and I happily hugged him.

"Hey Dad! It was good. I made a friend. His name's Cameron. He's really nice and he helped me with some of my make up work. He wants to tutor me to help me with all the work I missed, but he wanted me to ask you first. Oh, and he said he'll be praying you make a quick recovery. He thinks you sound like an awesome guy." Dad smiled at that.

"Well, I'd like to meet him first and as long as he comes to our house, I think that'll be fine. Tell him I said thank you." Dad looked at my face and furrowed his eyebrows together. "Amber, is that dried blood and a bruise on your cheek?" He carefully reached out and touched my cheek. I flinched and put my own hand there. He was right. It must have been from when Roger pushed me onto the ground. "Amber, sweetie. What happened? Are you being bullied?" My eyes filled with tears.

"I-I might be. I don't know. Cameron was being bullied and so I tackled the boy that was bullying him, Roger was his name. He yanked my hair super hard and forced me to look at him. He told me this time was just a warning and then pushed me onto the pavement. Cameron helped me and that's when we became friends. I didn't know I cut my cheek..."

Dad reached out and hugged me again. "Shh... there, there. I need you to promise me if he does anything else, you'll call me. Right away. I'm going to take care of this, alright? I promised to keep you safe and I will. Alright?" I nodded and continued to hug him. He stroked the back of my head and kissed the top of it. "It's gonna be alright, sweetheart. I love you so, so much, Amber. Never forget that."

"I could never forget it, Dad. I love you just as much. Thank you."

"You're welcome, sweetheart. You're so welcome."

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