Chapter 29

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Christy's POV

"I-it's a miracle!" the doctor yelled as he ran into the room. Jessie looked up, her frozen expression of fear and emotional pain was gone. It melted away into a huge smile. Tears freely feel from her eyes and she hugged me tightly. We had really gotten to know each other these past few months and have become great friends. She sobbed tears of joy on my shoulder while I hugged her and gently rubbed her back. Amber's eyes slowly opened and she yawned.

"W-what's going on? Why's Jessie crying? Where's Rhett!" she sounded nervous and afraid of the answer.

"Oh sweetheart, don't worry at all. These are tears of joy. A lot has happened while you slept. I'll explain in just one minute. Doctor, can we see them now?" I asked eagerly.

"Not just yet, I'm afraid. They're still not quite ready to see people after the blood transfusion. Link's looking great, but he's still going to be very weak for a while. Rhett, on the other hand, is somehow almost perfectly fine. He's also weak, but not nearly as much. We're not sure how this happened at all. He should have died, but he's somehow almost perfect. They're both still unconscious from the anesthetic, but will wake up in about twenty minutes at the most. We'll check their vitals and you'll be able to see them after all of that." the doctor smiled. He nodded slightly and left. I turned to Amber who looked terribly confused.

"Let me explain now. When you were sleeping, the doctors came back telling us Link had a fatal infection in his blood. They said the only way to save him would be an immediate blood transfusion, but they needed so much blood for Link to survive, the donor would die. They couldn't find anyone with a compatible blood type that was willing to give their life for someone they didn't know. Rhett has a blood type that is compatible with all blood types. He left to donate his blood to save Link's life. He should have died, but he didn't as you heard. They both could have died, but they're both on the road to recovery miraculously." I smiled as Amber hugged me tightly. She looked slightly scared, but mostly shocked. Then, after a few minutes of letting everything sink in, she let go of me with a huge smile.

"We can see them again? They're going to be okay?!?" her eyes were filled with hope as she stared up at me. I smiled and kissed the top of her head.

"Yes, dear, we can. We will before long. Probably about another ten minutes." I smiled and smoothed down her hair. She was such a sweet girl. So innocent. Tears of happiness slowly rolled down her cheeks as she smiled. She gently wiped them away and leaned on my side. I smiled and put my arm around her. 

The ten minutes went by quickly and a nurse came out and brought us to their room. I held Amber's hand as we walked in. Link's eyes were closed. Rhett smiled when he saw us. Jessie ran over to him and kissed him passionately, tears were in her eyes. "Rhett, oh thank gosh you are alright. You saved Link's life and you're alright! Oh, I'm so happy!" He was still smiling and answered her slightly weakly. 

"Me too, Jess. Me too. I love you, hon," he said and gently squeezed her hand. She smiled.

"I love you too." Amber and I walked over to Rhett. We let Link sleep for now.

"Rhett, thank you, thank you so, so much for saving my dad's life! You risked your own life for him. Thank you!" Amber said and hugged Rhett gently. He continued to smile and hugged her back.

"Amber, I am, as I'm sure you saw, willing to die for your dad. He's my brother." Rhett smiled and looked over at his peacefully sleeping best friend. Amber smiled and looked over at her dad as well. She walked over to him and sat down in the chair next to his bed. She continued to smile at him and she sighed slightly. His gorgeous blue eyes fluttered open. He started to look scared. "Link, don't worry. I'm perfectly fine, and so are you. I gave you most of my blood, but through some sort of miracle, I'm still here." Rhett said and smiled. 

Link turned and looked at him, tears were in his eyes. He didn't speak, and he looked very tired and weak. He closed his eyes tightly as more tears fell. "Hey, hey it's alright. We're okay, brother." Rhett smiled sadly. Amber went over to Link and hugged him tightly, rubbing his back. 

"Can't you talk, Dad?" she asked softly. Link took a deep breath and wiped away some of his tears. He let go of Amber and looked at Rhett, then back at Amber.

"Y-yeah, sweetheart, I can," he smiled up at her and then looked back to Rhett. "Rhett, I just... I can't believe you did something which should have killed you for me. I'm so happy you're alright, but you have no idea how much suffering that caused me. You made me believe you were going to die, and I just couldn't take it. I can't live without you, man. But, I wanted to say thank you. Thank you so much for doing this for me. You saved my life. I was dying, but you saved me. Thank you, Rhett. You mean so much to me. I love you so much, brother." Link started to cry again.

"I love you too, Link. And you're welcome. I couldn't let you die. You have so much to live for. So many people that need you. You couldn't go so soon; I wasn't going to let you." Rhett smiled and since he had no monitors or IVs attached to him, he stood up and went over to Link. He wrapped his long arms around him tightly and let him cry on his shoulder. Rhett gently rubbed Link's back as he sobbed.

"Thank you, brother. Thank you so much. For everything."

Hey guys! I wanted to give some shout-outs to some awesome people that really deserve it. All of these people are good friends of mine and incredible authors. Please check them out!






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