Chapter 32

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Rhett's POV

Link's expression changed from one of curiousity to a huge smile. "Congratulations, man! That's awesome! I'm so happy for you, brother!" He outstretched his hand and I smiled and shook it. "Y'know, I was planning to do so with Christy on her birthday. So, just about another month and I'll be doing the same. How exactly are you planning on doing it? You guys going on a date and you'll pop the question there?"

"Yeah, Friday night, we're going out for dinner and then after that, we were going to take a walk through the park and I thought I'd propose in the gazebo. I know it's not very elaborate, but Jess likes things done simply. What about you? Had you planned anything?" I smiled.

"Not quite. I know we're going on a date. I'll need someone to watch Amber. You think you could watch her that night? I would really appreciate it." He looked at me with a hopeful expression. I smiled and nodded.

"Of course I will, brother. Amber's a great kid and I'd love to watch her for ya!"

"Thanks, man. I'll of course tell her that I'm proposing before I go. That way it's not like some crazy thing. You know, I go on a date and come back and I'm engaged," Link laughed.

"Yeah, that's a good idea. That would be quite a shock. Congratulations to you too, Link! Just think, we're both going to be married men before too long. Wow, let's a crazy thought, but it's one that I love! Come here, give me a hug." I smiled outstretched my arms. Link laughed and hugged me. I patted his back and we let go.

"Thanks man, I'm so happy for you! Just a few more days. Do you want me to keep the ring in my desk until Friday so Jess doesn't find it and you won't lose it," Link smirked.

"Whoa, whoa, we both know you're the more likely to lose something," I chuckled, "But if you leave it in the top drawer, then sure. Thanks, brother. You just better not lose this." I handed him the ring box with a serious expression.

"I won't I promise. I won't even touch it after it goes in there." He smiles reassuringly and stood up. He went to his desk and opened the top drawer. He placed it in the center of the drawer in plain sight and closed it. "See, it's going to stay there until you come and get it on Friday. Don't worry. I'll keep it safe for you, as long as you'll return the favor next month." Link walked back to the couch and sat down.

"Of course I will. Thanks again, but if you do lose it, you're dead." I had a very serious expression which soon melted away and I started laughing. "Just kidding. I know you're not going to lose it. Anyway, that's all I had to say, so I guess I should probably get out of your way." I stood up and so did Link.

"No, no you don't have to leave. It's not like Amber and I had anything going on until later and I'm still on sick leave for work. Doctor's orders," he smirked, "You can leave if you want, but you're more than welcome to stay."

"Sure, if you're sure I'm not a bother or in the way."

"Rhett, you're my best friend and brother, you're never in the way or a bother. Maybe the three of us could go somewhere. Like maybe we could go hiking. There's a nice park about fifteen minutes away from here. And I was also going to take Amber out for lunch and ice cream. You could come along too. Would you want to do that? Amber loves getting out in nature every once in awhile." 

"Sure, that sounds like fun. Thanks man," I smiled.

"No problem I've wanted to go there for a while now. But before we go, I need to ask you something. It's about Amber, so I'd like to stay in here so she doesn't happen to hear it." He looked slightly upset.

"Yeah of course. Is there something wrong?" Link sighed and nodded his head glumly.

"Yeah, nothing she did, it's what she doesn't have that bothers me. She doesn't have any friends, Rhett. I mean, she seems perfectly happy with just me, but eventually I'm not going to mean quite as much to her. As she gets older I'm sure that'll happen. Most teens go through that and she needs someone to hang out with. She needs the Rhett to her Link." We both started laughing at that.

"You're right, man. I hadn't thought about that. Well listen, spring break is almost over. Maybe when she goes back to school she'll meet some people. Don't worry, she'll find some friends. She's an awesome girl with a great personality, she'll have plenty of friends soon. Don't you worry. And don't think you're going to start meaning less to her either. She loves you so much, brother. And that's never going to change no matter how old she gets. You're always going to have a special place in her heart. Fathers and daughters, typically, develop this special and very strong bond. I can tell you two have that and that you'll never lose it. Don't worry, man. That's never going to happen." I smiled and patted his back. He smiled back at me and sighed.

"Thank you, Rhett. That honestly really helped a lot. I'd been feeling like that for a while and it was really bringing me down. Thanks man. Just thank you so much." He smiled and gave me a quick hug. "Now, you ready to get going?"

"Yeah. Let's hike!" I laughed and we got Amber.

"Hey Rhett! Nice to see you again," Amber smiled and looked up from her book.

"You too, Freckles." I smiled and messed up her hair. She rolled her eyes and laughed as she fixed it with her fingers.

"Amber, Rhett and I were wondering if you'd like to go hiking for a couple hours today? There's a pretty cool sounding park about fifteen minutes from here that I've been meaning to check out for a while now. And after we're done, I'll get us lunch and ice cream. Sound good?"

"Yeah, that sounds great. Just let me get ready." She smiled and slipped on some socks and hiking shoes. "I'm ready!"

"Then let's get going. This is going to be a good day. I just know it," Link smiled and we left.

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