Chapter 42

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Rhett's POV

I smiled and started driving. "That's great to hear, Jess. I have been too. I love you." I smiled and glanced over at her. She was smiling back.

"I love you too, Rhett. Thank you." I nodded slightly and continued to drive and smile. We were going  to Olive Garden. I know, it's not the fanciest restaurant in the world, but it was Jessie's choice. She loves it there. I could feel my heart start to beat faster again as we passed the park and the gazebo I planned to propose in. I quietly took a deep breath and played it off as a yawn. Jessie smiled. "Is somebody tired?" I laughed a little.

"Yeah, I am a bit. Those hospital chairs don't provide the most restful sleep. That's alright. It's worth it to be there for Link." I smile as I pull into the parking lot.

"Speaking of Link, how's he been doing? I haven't gone with you to see him at all. I really should some time." I parked the car and smiled over at her.

"That'd be great. Maybe you could go tomorrow with me. He's doing great, honestly. He acts like his old self and seems to forget he's in any sort of pain when he's happy. His spirits are high and even know he's hurting, he's still doing great" I smiled and opened my car door. I walked over to Jessie's door and opened it for her. I offered her my hand and she smiled and took it. She hooked her arm with mine as we began to walk in.

"That's so great to hear! I'm glad. He's a great guy. I like him a lot and I'm so happy he's doing so well. I'm sure you're a big help in that." She smirked up at me. I chuckled softly and held open the door for her.

"He says I am. I haven't done too much. He's doing all of the heavy-lifting.  I'm just there helping him when he needs it and giving him company. Nothing a normal friend wouldn't do." 

"Oh, I wouldn't be so sure of that, Rhett. You've been spending days with him in the hospital. You're there almost all the time. No ordinary friend would do that. And you're taking care of him. Link was telling Christy how thankful he was for you and how much you've done and she told me. Rhett, you don't give yourself nearly as much credit as you should. You do so much, yet you think nothing of it. Link was saying so many good things about you. So many." Jessie smiled and stepped through the doorway.

"Thank you for telling me. I'll be sure to thank him when we see him tomorrow." We are taken to our reserved seats and I sat down and started looking through the menu. My mind ran back to proposing, it's so soon now. After we eat and are taking a walk through the park, that's it. That's when it'll happen. Gosh, I'm so nervous.

We ordered our food and just made small talk throughout dinner. The whole time I was just terrified out of my wits about tonight. It would go fine. Don't worry about it, Rhett. "Rhett... Rhett?" I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at Jessie. She was quietly laughing. "The check's here, Rhett."

"Oh whoops. Sorry about that. Got lost in thought for a minute." The sun was lowering in the sky already, casting a red glow onto the world. I paid and we left. I hooked arms with Jessie again and we got in my car. "I was thinking maybe we could go to the park for a minute before I took you home. The sunset is so gorgeous." I smiled and started to drive. 

"That's a great idea, Rhett. I'd love to do that. And you're right, this sunset is unlike any other I've ever seen. It's so beautiful. Thank you for dinner, I had such a lovely time. You plan the best dates." She smiled and I pulled into the parking lot. I smiled back at her.

"You're very welcome, and thank you too. I try." I got out and took her arm again. She slipped her arm out of mine and grabbed my hand instead. We walked into the gazebo. This is it. We smiled at each other and I leaned down and kissed her soft lips. We held that for a few seconds of bliss and then broke it. I grasped both of her hands in one of mine and reached into my suit inside pocket. I knelt down and opened the box. Jessie's eyes filled with tears and she gasped.

"Jessica Lane, you make me the happiest man in the world every time I look at you. I love you, with all my heart and soul. You are the most beautiful woman in the world, but that's not what's drawn me so close to you. You have the most beautiful laugh, and cutest Southern accent, you're the kindest, most loving, and wonderful woman I've ever met. And even though we have only been dating for about six months and this may seem early, we're old enough that you don't need to wait so long to be sure. Because I am sure. You are the one, Jessie. Will you, Jessica Lane, marry me?" A few people that were walking by stopped and were eagerly awaiting Jessie's answer. I was smiling up at her, her amber eyes filled with tears of joy. She slipped her hands out of mine and brought them to her face. She covered her mouth and nose with her fingers resting right by her eyes. She closed her eyes and nodded.

My heart blew up in that moment and I wrapped my arms around her. I held her to me and spun her around. She giggled and I set her down. We were both smiling like idiots. I leaned down again and kissed her. This woman was going to be my wife. She said yes.

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