Chapter 30

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We made it to thirty chapters! Yay! Now, to the story!

Rhett's POV

"You're welcome, brother. You're so, so welcome," I said and hugged Link a little tighter. I felt my eyes fill with tears, and one slowly fell and trickled down my face. As weak as Link was, he still hugged me as tightly as he could, still crying on my shoulder. I saw everyone staring at us with a huge smile, and I smiled back. Link let go and laid back down on his bed. He looked so tired, but he was smiling so widely. A nurse walked in and removed the IVs and monitors from Link's body. She handed us our clothes and smiled before leaving. I helped him up from the bed and he went to the bathroom to change. He soon came out and then I changed.

Amber ran up to Link and gave him a very tight hug. He smiled and laughed. He crouched down and kissed her forehead. "I'm so sorry for scaring you, but hey, I'm alright now, and so's Rhett! We weren't going to let a little thing like that stop us! And you're not going to be rid of me that easily!" He smiled and ruffled her hair. She giggled and hugged him tightly again. He did the same back and rested his head on top of hers. He was very exhausted and tired, I could tell, but that wasn't going to stop him from being there for his daughter. Amber eventually let go and he kissed the top of her head. Christy then came over to him and pulled him into a passionate kiss. I saw Jessie come over to me and she wrapped her arms around me in a tight embrace. I hugged her back and then we also kissed for what felt like an eternity of bliss. I was planning on proposing to her soon. I just needed to find a ring. 

She smiled and put her arm around me. Words were few as we all knew what was being said to the other. Moments like these are rare, but wonderful. Jessie let go of me as I went to Link and hugged him once more. He smiled widely as I bearhugged him. He mumbled a quiet 'Thank you Rhett' while he hugged me. "Of course. I wasn't going to let you die. There was no way I was going to let that happen!" I let go of him and grabbed Jessie's hand. "We ready to go?"

"Yeah, we are," Link smiled and grabbed Amber's and Christy's hands. We all walked out with huge smiles of relief. It was late at night already. A cool breeze blew past us as we walked to the cars. Jessie and Christy had carpooled together and so had Link, Amber, and I.

"Well, here we are. I guess this is goodnight for now. Goodnight Jessie and Christy. I'll see you guys some other time. Thank you for being here," I smiled and gave Christy a quick hug and then kissed Jessie. Link kissed Christy and hugged Jessie. We all loaded into our cars. "I'll drop you two off at home. Gosh, I'm so glad you're alright, Link. And I'm glad I'm not dead either." I chuckled a little and started to drive.

"Yeah, me too, man. I'm so glad you're  alright. You really, really scared me. The doctor said you'd die, and I can't live without you, Rhett. You've always been there for just about as long as I can remember. You're my brother. I couldn't lose you." I smiled slightly.

"I feel the same way, brother. You've always been there for me too. You realize I've spent time with you almost everyday for the past thirty-odd years. Sure, there have been some weeks that go by where we haven't, but that's basically it. That's sort of crazy!" I laugh and continue looking at the road ahead of us. A light sprinkle of water starts to come from the sky. It's almost relaxing, the light sounds of rain pitter-pattering on the car as we drive down the dark California roads. I glance back at Amber in the mirror. She's sound asleep. She's had such an exhausting day. I'll probably have to carry her in for Link. He's slowly getting stronger by the minute, but he probably won't be able to carry her yet. 

"Amber's sleeping back there," I said softly so I wouldn't wake her. Link turned around and smiled. 

"She's so sweet. I can't believe she's my daughter. She's just too perfect for me. I don't deserve her. I don't deserve any of you. There are so many people in my life that I just can't believe are actually a part of it. People that are so amazing and wonderful. Like you, Christy, and Jessie. You all are so incredible." I smiled again and pulled into Link's drive.

"Thanks, man. That means a lot to me, and you are just as incredible, if not more, than me." I put my hand on his shoulder for a moment and smiled. "Well, we're here. Do you want me to carry Amber in for you?"

"No, but thank you. I'm pretty strong again. I can manage. Goodnight brother. I'll see you tomorrow. Take care of yourself."

"I will. You too. I'll see you. Goodnight." He smiled and got out of the car. He opened Amber's door and picked her up gently. He carried her inside and I drove away.

Link's POV

I brought Amber up to her bedroom and tucked her in. I gently kissed her forehead and whispered, "Goodnight baby. Sweet dreams. I love you with all my heart." I smiled and slowly closed the door. I grabbed my clothes and took a quick shower. I brushed my teeth and then went to bed. I had forgotten how comfortable my bed was as opposed to Amber's floor and hospital beds. I closed my eyes and rolled over, soon falling into a deep and restful sleep.

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