|| Chapter 2 ||

439 17 12

Uploading a day early lmao

*your POV*


"Ugh, why does work have to be so early" I groan to myself.

I attempt to get out of bed, but accidentally fall off instead.

"UGH WHY IS LIFE SO HARD" I complain to myself even louder.

I eventually manage to get up and turn off my alarm clock.

I slowly head to the shower, dragging my slipper covered feet across the floor, being way too tired to lift them.

*time skip to when your out of the shower*

I wrap the warm, fuzzy white towel around my freezing, wet body and walk out of the bathroom to my bedroom.

As I walk out of the bathroom the freezing air hits me, sending chills up my spine.

I decide to turn the heat up, so my flat will warm up. then I continue my journey back to my bedroom.

I walk in and close the door behind me, dropping my towel to the ground. I'll probably pick it up in two weeks along with the 500 others.

I rummage through my wardrobe for a good ten minutes trying to figure out what to wear, because I'm terrible at making decisions.

I finally decide on wearing my black leggings, a grey sweatshirt that says Nike in black on the front, and a pair of black vans.

Very simple but comfortable.

I throw that on and run back into the bathroom to brush my (H/c) hair and teeth. After that I take about 5 minutes on my makeup.

"Eh good enough" I say to myself looking into the mirror, before running out of the bathroom to grab my keys to my black Ford Fusion off my marble kitchen counter.

Fancy I know.

*time skip to when your at work*

I get out of my car and walk into the Starbucks, listening to the sound of the bell ring as I open the door.

I walk behind the counter, wrapping my work apron around myself.

"Hey (y/n), check it out"

I jump at the sound of a voice next to me.

I look up to see my friend lily pointing to a table near the window.

Lily is a friend I met when I first moved to London, and also one of my only friends.

We met in the snack isle of the grocery market and kinda hit it off.

It just turns out we both got a job working at the same place.

I look over to see what she is pointing to. I see two boys that look around my age. One with brown hair and one with black.

I couldn't help but giggle when I realized the brown haired one was drawing a Christmas tree in the fog on the window, while the one with black hair recorded it.

I looked back to lily who had also been giggling. Suddenly she handed me a tray with two cups that said Dan and Phil on them. One was a coffee and the other a hot chocolate.

I soon realized these were their drinks. I quickly took the drinks from her hands and walked over to their table.

Once I got closer I started to recognize them. I mean it's almost impossible to go on the Internet and not see their face pop up somewhere.

White Crayon ||Danisnotonfire x Reader||Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu