|| Chapter 15 ||

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*Your POV*

"Phil?" I said, shocked as I examined his appearance.

His face had a huge cut, black eye, and a sleeve on his shirt was torn off, revealing more cuts and bruises.

"C-can I come in?" Phil whimpered, probably in pain.

"Oh my god phil, yes please come in." I exclaimed, shutting the door behind him as he walked in.

"Lily get the the first aid kit from under the sink in the bathroom." I called to her.

Dan looked up from his food to see Phil, his eyes widening in shock. He immediately stood up and began to help him to the couch.

"What the fuck happened Phil?" Dan said, concern lacing his voice.

"After we got into a fight about you drinking you ran out of the house drunk, I looked for hours trying to find you. I finally decided to go home and try again in the morning. As I walking here there was this guy and I told him I liked his shoes and he beat the shit out of me" Phil said, tracing his finger over the gash on his forehead as if he was reliving a moment.

I would've laughed at Phil's quirky kindness but he was really hurt, and I didnt wanna be that person who laughs at others pain.

"Youre such a dumbass Phil" dan sighed.

I could swear I heard dan whisper an 'I'm sorry' after but I wasn't sure. What was he sorry about?

"Got it" lily shouted, running over to Phil with the kit.

She began to clean and bandage his wounds as me and dan watched carefully. Every time she touched a cut phil would flinch and I could tell it bothered dan to see him in pain, because he grimaced each time.

"Is that all of them?" She asked Phil, wrapping the last visible cut.

"no, but I wouldn't worry it's just a small one." Phil replied.

"show her where it is Phil" dan scoffed, rolling his eyes. I couldn't tell if he was angry or concerned.

Phil then lifted his shirt and turned around, a ginormous cut on his back.

"Oh my god" I gasped, covering my mouth in shock.

"Damnit Phil, you call that little?" Dan said, his voice cracking as if he was gonna cry at the sight. It's was warming to see how much dan and Phil cared for each other.

"We need to get you to the hospital, you're gonna need that treated and stitched or it's gonna get infected." Lily stated.

"How do you know all this?" Dan asked her.

"I'm currently studying in the medical field, but I work in a Starbucks for now until I graduate" she explained as dan helped phil up.

"We'll take my car" lily said, grabbing her keys off my counter.


It's been about an hour since phil was taken into the hospital room. Me, Dan, and Lily were all anxiously waiting for some kind of news on what's going to happen to phil.

Just then a nurse came out into the waiting room and called us over. She explained that Phil would be fine, but he needed stitches so he was required to stay over night. We all nodded and went to say goodbye to Phil before we left.

White Crayon ||Danisnotonfire x Reader||Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora